Ch 29

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Ch 29-

I hop off my board, an walk into the Raiders park. Well, here goes nothing.

"Aleeeex!" Jose greets "Glad to see your a regular visitor again." he winks at me

"Shut up." I say, and push him in the shoulder.

"Feisty" He grins "Just the way I like em" he bites his lip

I roll my eyes at him "Where's Griffin?"

"Uhh, the back room, you know where that is, you used to spend so much time in there"

I glare at him, and walk to the room.

"Griff?" I ask

"In here" he screams, and I walk to his personal workshop

When I get in there, he's putting together a board.

"You needed to talk?" I ask him raising an eyebrow.

"Yeh, sit." he says and I just stand there "Or, stand....?"

"What do you need Griffin."

"I need to talk. Okay, so remember when we made that pact, two years ago?"

"Yea Griffin, I kinda came up with the idea."

"Well, anyways, your friends kind of broke it."

"They didn't."

"Yeah, they kinda did." he argues "No turf wars, no fighting, and no cover ups. You know what those things mean, right?"

"Yes Griffin, I'm the one who taught them to you."

"No turf wars? Trust5 has trashed my park. No fighting? Carter attacked me while I was at the gas station. And no cover ups, that means no lying, or blaming others for your mistakes. That's the only one Trust5's seemed to keep. Now, I'm not going to sit around, and let you guys break a pact, so we can settle this the easy way, or the hard way. But either way, there's gonna be war."

"Griffin, we don't have to do this."

"But we do. See when we made that pact, we also said, if anyone were to break it, war will be the answer. Now like I said, the easy way. Or the hard way."

"Give them to me."

"Option 1- A skate off, to see who will win the Rep for the towns best skaters, gets all tagging rights, and get to make the next pact all by themselves.

Or, Option 2- We have a full on turf wars, like before, and winners get the town tagging right, and the competitors park. With the losers having to quit skating, and giving up all boards to the winners. Your crews choice." he gives me a devilish smile.

"Were not going to do this. Any of it" I tell him

"Well we made a pact, it strictly says, that if one should break it, war is the answer. Your a girl of your word."

"Fine, give me the paper with the deals on it, and I'll go ask the crew... which one they want."

"That's my girl, now hurry."

I walk out when Jose asks me what happened

"Its war." I say, and walk out towards my park.

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