Chapter 9

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Narrators POV

"Sunghee!!" Someone shouted as JB glared at him. He immediately walked up to him, dragged him out of the room and onto the roof. Grabbing him by the collar they both threw punched at each other

"You have no right to be here bastard!" JB shouted at Mark as they both stood their ground

"And you think you do?! You know that she hates you more than me!"

"No that's where you're wrong" he let Mark go and stared into his eyes "she trusted you"

"You left!"

"But I came back, and I'm not the one who betrayed her. Even when she needed you the most" JB said and left Mark alone and went to see Sunghee

"My pride the way. Damn that contract I made!" JB shouted from the top of his lungs in the stair well.
"How is she doc?" He asked worriedly

"Well, from her last check up, something happened to make her lose her memory. Temporary Amnesia; usually it'll last for about two day or so, but in her lasted for almost 12 years"

"And how did-it come back?"

"I'm guessing that someone or something was the cause. There's always a trigger to getting back these memories. I suggest you look out for her well being as often as you can, because she gets a sever headache and faints" the doctor bowed and so did JB.

Glancing at the helpless girl in bed he felt guilty. "I should've told you sooner. Hee-sshi...I'm back" he mumbled and moved a strand of hair off to the side.

"Hey, how's Sunghee?" And unfamiliar voice asked out of no where. As JB looked up he saw a tall man with an angelic voice

"Oh sorry, it appears that Sunghee hasn't told my identity to anyone right?" He shifted his gaze to JB

"I'm Jungkook" he paused for a second "her cousin"
Sunghee was slowly opening her eyes. She then saw Jungkook and that asshole

"What did I tell you about taking care of yourself!? I knew you couldn't do things by yourself why-"

"Hyung! Don't worry about her. I'm her fiancée so I'll take care of-"

"Since when?" Jungkook interrupted JB as she just stared at the two men in front of her

"Since an arranged marriage was brought upon the both of us. Oppa, don't worry-"

"Awe my poor dongsaeng!!" He faked cried while hugging Sunghee tightly. Just then a knock was heard and all heads turned just to find Mark.

"You" Jungkook said coldly and glared at him

"Thanks to you, my poor cousins been bullied time to time. As much as I want to kick your ass, I won't. Though it seems someone already did. *Mark glanced at JB and then back yo his hyung* Finally got your shit together?" Jungkook stated as Mark went on his knees and sobbed

"Hyung, Sunghee-ah...I'm sorry, I've been a dick and I'm...I'm sorry" his head was down and Sunghee many mixed emotions that she didn't know what to really say. So she got out of bed and walked to Mark

"Hey, stand up butt head. But me telling you stand up, doesn't mean I forgive you, kay?" Giving a warm smile, Mark felt even more guilty. Seeing her smile so what brightly even through his lies, made him see...he liked her. Actually liked her.

"Okay, get out now" JB bluntly said while glaring at the guy I'm front of her.

"Oppa, could you go with Mark for a second. I need to discuss something with JB" after understanding what she said they respected her request and stepped outside the room for a bit

"I thought we agreed on not getting into each others lives"

"We did"

"Then how did I get here? Why we're you the second person I see when I woke up just moments ago? Don't you want to find a girl friend?"


"If I find a boyfriend would you keep with the contract?"

"Why do you keep bringing it up!?"

"You made it, I didn't. Besides you said to keep the contract in mind and rule number ten 'Never fall in love with each other' don't tell me-you-"

"Sunghee, you really don't remember?" He asked as he looked into her eyes with regret and hope as she shook her head, indicating that it was a no.

"After an accident that occurred when I was younger, I didn't bother to remember my childhood. Though now, fragments of it all seem to coming back to me" she paused and walked out to the terrist and saw the view of the busy street. She took a deep breath then spoke again "My memories are working backwards though. I'm starting to remember the moments of a little boy and I think about that little girl as a younger version of me"

JB looked at her as her gaze was still focused on the busy street ahead. She then reasted her head in the palms of her hands and looked up in the sky

"Why do you seem so interested about it?" She broke the silence but still focused her gaze up in the stars above.

"Nothing. I just-Stay healthy maggot, okay" he said and left her outside for a bit, only to come out with his jacket to be wrapped around he shoulders

"Its cold. Catching a cold while trying to regain you memories will eat all you energy up, and that'll leave you with a cold thall last for every two weeks or so" JB said not realizing that he seemed to back hug her

'Keep your gaurd up. Never let anyone break this's the only way of me not getting to attached and getting hurt again' she thought to herself and shifted her gaze to JB and quickly back at the sky.

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