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Caitlins pov

When I finally saw a road, there was a bit of hope that I would get away from him. Once I reached the street the lights lighted up the whole road I looked behind me too see a dark forest. And then Ryan who was running towards me.

I heard a car on my left side. Without thinking twice I started lifting with my thumb up. I was really hoping the car would stop and bring me away from this nightmare. "Don't you dare to get in that fucking car! I'll find you and kill you I swear" I heard Ryan yell. He was now running faster but it was too late. The car stopped and I stepped in.

"Hi, drive please" I tried to be calm. "Hey, where do I have to bring you?" He started driving I looked to the right to see an angry Ryan 200 meters away from me. "Lady?" I looked back at the guy in the car. The guy looked a bit rebel. With piercings here and there. And a sleeve. "Erm to Tower Hamlets 121a please, or just Tower Hamlets please " "okay babe whatever you like but you okay?" I looked worried at the guy did he saw why happened? No its impossible. "Im fine thanks" I tried to fake a smile. I took phone to see 57 missed calls and 23 messages. Omg this wasn't good at all. I would never forget what I saw. How could Ryan kill someone like it was nothing? I was still in shock.

Ryans pov

Fuck Ryan! How could you lose her. You fucked up big time now Ryan. I was so angry. I could a pro like me make troubles like this?!

My phone was vibrating in my pocket. If this is Karine again I'm going to ignore her call. I looked at the screen to see an unknown number. "Hello?" I said confused. Who would call me at this time? "Hey Ryan it is Harry.. I'm calling with my bitch' phone" Harry had like a bitch every single day. But yeah we all did everyday someone else. I was wondering who was his bitch this time. "Sup Haz? I'm busy so be fast please" there was a long silence before he started speaking again. "Well I don't know if we should be worried but Jai you kno ur sister' ex, I mean.. Erm her friend just texted me" I sighted "Harry I know they dated and I don't care about you too texting but I didn't know you were gay?" I started laughing loudly. "He texted me Karine is mine watch me" wtf did this dude think if he touches my sister I'll kill him. "Wtf Harry?! Wheres Karine you kno?" "How should I know Ryan.. Shes your sis remember?" I sighted "Harry go to my house and look if shes fine ive to deal with a dead body" I said and without waiting for his answer I ended the call. This motherfucker was going to pay for his 'gangster' message. That little sucker. But first the dead body.

Iris' pov

I was now walking for 5 minutes. Karine should be here ages ago. And theres something wrong with here phone cos I get voicemail if I try to call her.

When I was walking for another 4minutes I heard a car behind me. It kinda scared me becos I thought we were the only ones awake at this time. My heart was beating even faster when the car stopped next to me. I was too scared to look to my right.

"Hey Iris its me Harry" I started breathing again. "You scared the hell out of me Harry" I looked at the red car next to me. "What are you doing this time outside?" I gave him a confused look and put my one eyebrow up. "Why do you care? Anyway I'm going to Karine. We would meet halfway but I don't know where she is. She should be here ages ago.." I saw Harrys face dropping. "Shit.." He cursed which worried me. "What Harry??" I asked. "Get in we'll look for her together" I thought about it but he was a good guy. I made my way to the passenger seat and places myself inside his car. "Lets go" I said worried, two of my friends were missing. God please let them be okay! Thats all I'm asking for!




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