chapter 1! x

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"Shut up man, I won" "No, you did not, what are you talking about?" I woke up because of people screaming downstairs. I rolled my eyes and took my phone. 

2 unread messages 

I opened the first one..

From Iris:

"Hey Karineeeeeee, don't forget tomorrow we are going to the city for some shopping! If you don't show up I'll kick ur ass. Goodnight bubs ;)x"

Oh shit I totally forgot about it, I was going to look like a zombie if I didn't get some sleep soon. Iris was one of my best friends, I knew her since we had moved to London, 10years ago. She has perfect brown long straight hair and green eyes to match it. She was always happy and she just knows how to get people back up when they're feeling down. It was already 2am so I decided to text her tomorrow morning.  

From Caitlin :

"Buba, I love you okay, just letting you know before I go to sleep !xxx"

I giggled reading her message, she was always SOO positive. She would make the best of everything, thats why I love her. Me, Iris and Caitlin were unbreakable. I don't know what would happen with me if I didn't have them by my side. I was thinking about some funny memories we had together when suddenly the noises downstairs got louder.

"Fuck you man, you always need to play shit like this" "Did you just say fuck you to me? You motherfucker?" "Guys, stop damn whats wrong with you!"

I rolled my eyes knowing it were my brothers friends. It was Friday and they were having "a good time" together. Not thinking about not waking up the whole house. I was so tired and I needed some sleep. To be honest I did never meet Ryan's friends, but its not like I wanted too. Ryan is my older brother, well actually my step brother who is waaay to protective. Every girl in London loves him, sometimes I wonder why girls love him so much, I just can't see it. He's the reason I've never dated and I'm 18 so yeah can you feel my pain?

I knew they were going to stay all night so I put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt and made my way downstairs, to make them shut up.

I was now standing in the living room to see all those eyes on me. They were playing poker. "Eh, where is Ryan?" I asked them. "He's in the kitchen, but he never told us that his sister was this beautiful." one of them replied winking at me. I rolled my eyes giving him the what-the-fuck-look. "Hey Harry shut up and dont talk like that about my sister" Ryan gave that Harry guy an evil look before facing me "but anyway whys my baby sister awake at this time?" Ryan came over and placed his arm around my shoulder. "Because lovely brother, you guys cant shut up for like 2 fucking seconds? I want to sleep it's 2am, yea? So can you go somewhere else?" I snapped at him putting his arm away from me. "Woa, calm down miss we will stay here all night and you better shut up and go to your room." he hissed back. I was so angry with him right now, I could kick his fucking ass. "Fuck you." I mumbled going back to my room. "Ryan she said fuck you hahahahaha she's a gangsta chick" I  heard one of them saying. What the hell was wrong with them guys. Damn. I just want to sleep they are so fucked up. Urgh, I hate Ryan. I took my earphones and put on some Michael Jackson. He was my hero. With his music in my ears I drifted off to sleep.


So this was chapter 1!

Hope y'all like it!


Thank you <3


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