14 babes x enjoy

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Ryan's pov

I had a plan. But I couldn't take all the boys with me. Someone had to stay with Iris. I didn't know what to do with Caitlin leave her here with Iris and one of the boys or take her with me so I'm sure she won't say anything stupid to the others. "Niall you stay here with Iris.." I saw Caitlin's face dropping when I only said Iris her name. It hurt me to see her like this, but it's her own fault. "Zayn call Louis and tell him to come to my place.." I now looked at Caitlin, I could see she was scared which broke my heart. "What about me R-ryan?" she asked me with big eyes. This was so hard for me but I had to "You are coming with me" I said giving her a wink. I saw her face turning into anger now. "You know what, why am I even listening to you? I can do whatever I want to and I'm going to stay here with Iris!" she yelled back at me. I was kinda shocked by her reaction. "Well okay then you stay here but you know what I told you before, I'm serious about it!" she nodded and sat back on the sofa. Zayn came back from outside. "He's coming Ryan" he said. Louis will stay here with the girls and Niall. Me , Harry and Zayn will go after Karine.

Harry's pov

I finally arrived at Ryan's. I opened the door and saw Niall and Zayn. "Hey guys" I said walking inside. "Harry where the fuck were you man?" Ryan screamed. I wasn't in the mood for shit like this. "Ryan leave it yeah? Lets go and find Karine" I answered back hoping he won't ask any more annoying questions. Ryan took his jacket and started walking outside. Oh he's so good humoured. "Well who's going with us?" I asked confused looking at Zayn and Niall. "I'm" Zayn answered and took his jacket. We started walking outside. I really hope Ryan's plan will work and we'll find Karine. "Harry, mate you are really worried about her aren't you?" Zayn asked confused. Where was he trying to go? "Yeah she's Ryan's sister course I am" I lied. "Oh I think there's more mate" I just ignored him and walked to my car. Ryan was sitting on the passenger's seat already. I opened the door and sat down. Zayn did the same. "So Ryan where do I have to drive?" I asked looking confused at him "And what is your plan?"

Iris' pov

What did Ryan mean with: "Well okay then you stay here but you know what I told you before, I'm serious about it!" What was going on between those two, I was so lost. I got out of my thoughts when someone placed himself next to me on the sofa. I looked to the right to see Niall looking at the tv screen. I could see he was thinking about something. "Are you done looking at me?" he now faced me with a grin on his face. I knew I was blushing all the way right now. I didn't know what to answer. "This is the second time I'm making you blush" he said laughing. "I'm not blushing.." I said turning around to face Caitlin. I could hear him smirk.

We were all watching tv in silence when the doorbell suddenly rang. Me and Caitlin both looked at Niall. He rolled his eyes and made his way to the door.

Few minutes later he came back but not alone. "Hey girls, I'm Louis" the boy said waving at both of us. "Hey" I replied giving him a warm smile. Caitlin didn't even turn her face to look at him. There was something wrong with her I could see and feel it.


sorry for updating so late, but i was sooo busy! anyway enjoy the next chapter will be DRAMA all the way!

thanks x

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