chapter 2 :) enjoy x

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Tum tum, tum tum, tum tum, tum tum she was more like a beauty queen..

I woke up from the sound of my phone. I could not open my eyes, they were so heavy. I finally opened my left eye to look at the screen. I smiled seeing Iris on it.

"Hey girllll!" I shouted picking up my phone. "Hey lazy shit, what you doing?" "Why am I a lazy shit dude?" I asked confused. "Because I called you like 777times before you decided to pick up your phone!" I laughed because of her exaggeration. "I'm sorry babes, I didn't sleep all night because of my brothers friends, ugh I hate Ryan so much sometimes!" I heard her giggle. "Your brother is focking hot tho" she said laughing. I thought I was going to trow up for a second. "Ok why did you call me 777times anyway?" "Because tonigh after shopping me, you and Caitlin are going out." I couldnt believe she just said that. "Ryan is going to kill me.. You know him, he will never let me go!" I sighed. "He doesn't have to know it babe!" she wanted me to lie to my brother? He was going to kill me if he found out about this. "I don't know babe, we will see!" I said knowng I didnt have enough balls to sneak out tonight. "Naaah, you have to or we will kick ur arse bubs! Oh, and I'm coming to yours in a bit to go shopping! Byebye" I wanted to say something but I was to late. If I sneaked out and Ryan found out about it, he would kill me.. But maybe it was time to start living life good, I'm 18 tho. Anyway I had like the whole day to think about it but for now I needed some food because I was starving!

I made my way downstairs, my eyes widened when I saw sleeping guys everywhere.. On the sofa, the floor and even on the table. I rolled my eyes making my way to the kitchen to make some hot chocolat. "Hey sexy" my heart dropped because I didn't expect someone to be in the kitchen. I turned around to see the same guy who told me I was beautiful yesterday. His hair was one big mess and he was shirtless. I was surprised seeing his abs, to be honest, he was good looking. "Are you done watching my sexy body" he said winking at me. "I was not looking at your b-body and who gave you the right to call me sexy?" I hissed back. "Oh I do whatever I want to do babe" this guy somehow made me nervous. I was never nervous so this was kinda awkward for me. I just turned my back to him, ignoring him. I continued making my hot chocolat when I suddenly felt someone breathing in my neck, I was too scared to turn around so I just pretened I was cool.

"Nobody ignores me you know babe" he whispered in my ear. I felt a shiver go down my back. I didn't know what to answer so I just kept my mouth shut. "I said nobody ignores me" he know whisper screamed. "Can you stop breathing in my neck like that?" I could feel he was amusing this. "Why babe does it make you horny? If so just tell me I can fuck you here and now just tell me." I couldn't believe he just said that to me. Anger taking now over me, I turned around and slapped him in the face. "Think twice before saying shit like that to me jerk" I said moving away from him. I rolled my eyes and started walking away when two hands turned me around and smashed my back to the doorframe. "Did you just say jerk? Never dare to say that word again to me, got that bitch?" I could see his eyes being full with anger now. He wasn't angry when I slapped him but he is angry when I call him jerk. This guy is fucking weird. Without saying something I pushed myself out of his grip.

"Is there something wrong?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around to see Ryan standing there with only one eye open. I looked back at Harry giving him an evil look. "This aint the end baby, watch me." he whispered and made his way to Ryan. "No everythings fine." He looked winking at me. I just nodded and when I started walking away back to my room Ryan started speaking again. I just wanted to go to my room damn! "So no good morning kiss sista?" I rolled my eyes turning to face my brother. I walked towards him giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning Ryan" I looked at Harry and he licked his lips winking at me again, I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to my room if you need me I'm upstairs" I said to Ryan and made my way to my room.

What the hell just happened? Who is this guy? He kinda scares me tho. I looked at the time. It was 1pm, I can't believe I've slept this long. I walked to my bathroom and turned on the shower. I needed to relax a bit.


So this was chapter 2 :)

Hope y'all like it!

Commen/Fav and share please!

Thank you for the love <3


btw this is how the people in the fanfic look like

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