Truth Or Dare Or Bust

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Applejack's POV:
This was a bad idea. Rarity has been flirting nonstop, I was afraid she overheard what I told Twilight. Pinkie Pie had suggested a sleepover to celebrate summer vacation, and here we were. A game of truth or dare had started and I was dreading the idea of Rarity picking me for something.

"Applejack, darling, truth or dare?"

Damn it

"Uh... truth?" I didn't want to pick either one, but I was seriously afraid of what the dare would be.

"Ok, Applejack. Be honest, what are your feelings towards me?" Rarity had me in a corner, she knew I had this whole thing about lying.

My face turned dark red, and I avoided eye contact, "Uh... well sugarcube, if you want the truth, I kinda have f-feelings for you." I whispered that last part, but I knew everyone heard me.

"I'm sorry darling, what was that?" Rarity smirked and giggled.

Why the hell was she so cute?

"I said I like you! Ok?" That came out a bit louder than expected. Everyone was staring at me, except Rarity, that little sugarcube was looking at the ground, but I could see her blush.

I started to tear up.

Rarity's POV:
Oh my God, what have I done?!?! Applejack just ran out crying!

I quickly apologized to everyone for being an insensitive brat, and ran off to go get Applejack.

"Aj?" No answer "Jackie? I'm really sorry! I'm an insensitive asshole and I shouldn't have used your feelings for my amusement. You have every right to be mad at me but at least tell me one thing!" I really hoped she was still here because I needed to talk to her.

"What do you want, Rarity?" Applejack growled from the sofa, her hat was off.

This was more serious than I thought.

"Tell me something, darling. Did you mean what you said? About having feelings? I mean, I'm one hell of a pansexual, but I always thought you were straight." She turned around and fixed her hat, her eyes were still red, but she was no longer crying.

"Well, shucks, I guess now's as good a time as any." Applejack came up and hugged me, looked me in my eyes and chuckled, "I meant what I said about having feelings. I mean, I'm one hell of a bisexual, and I always assumed I was straight, too."

We smiled and hugged, she gave me a peck on the cheek, and we walked up stairs to the others.

Rainbow's POV:
So... it's been a while since Rarity followed Aj dowstairs. Pinkie Pie and Twilight were just staring at each other and blushing.

Me personally, I had gone over to the gone over to the corner, and had been making out with Fluttershy. God that girl is an amazing kisser.

We heard footsteps and all rejoined the original circle, waiting for them to come up, and we heard them talking. I couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but I guess it was important because they stopped right before the top.

Applejack's POV:
When we finished our little conversation, we walked back up to Pinkie Pie's room. We opened the door, and everyone was staring at us.

Damn, ever hear of privacy?

Well, I guess it doesn't matter. I was gonna tell em all now anyways. "Ok, everybody, I guess I have some confessions to make. First, I'm bi." I expected a shocked reaction, but it was kinda just quiet. "Ok... second, me and Rarity are... dating." Everyone ran up and hugged us, with a little high pitched screaming thrown in to the mix.

Pinkie Pie's POV:
I KNEW IT!!!! I knew those two liked each other!!! This makes my exchange with Twilight on the sofa the SECOND best thing to happen today!


Everyone liked this idea lol.

So after we all settled down, we restarted our game of truth or dare.

"Okay, Twi! Truth or Dare!" I had plans for this one.

She picked a truth... she can seriously be no fun sometimes.

"Um... ok Twilight! If me and you were anywhere right now, and we can do anything, where would we go and what would we do?"

I heard her mumble the word fuck under her breath.

"Uh... I'd take you to Ireland, and we would do all the things we do alone, along with some sight seeing."

I don't know why Twi was blushing... but it was so adorable, so I did something that would make her blush harder.

"Oooooh, yes ma'am! I like the sound of that Miss Sparkle!"

Everyone looked really confused... but the look on Twilight's face was priceless.

"Uh... Pinkie? What was that about?" I think Rainbow Dash was the most confused because she was such a dominant person, she probably couldn't even fathom saying ma'am or Miss to anyone but her parents or the teachers.

"It was nothing, Rainbow!" Twilight kinda screamed at her, she gave me a deluxe "I'll get you back" stare.

I knew Twilight wasn't actually mad... she loved it when I did this as much as I did.

Rarity's POV:
Well... I'm not quite sure what that ruckus was about but, it was Twilight's turn. If she could manage to speak, that is.

"Uh... R-Rarity, t-truth or dare?"

"Dare." I glared over at Applejack. I hope Twilight gets the hint.

"Rarity, I dare you to kiss Applejack."

I'm not complaining, but did you have to be so simple Twilight?

I leaned into Aj for the kiss, and she grabbed me and kissed me right back. We sort held that kiss for a good minutes, and I started kissing her neck, she softly moaned. I went further, I started to pull up her shirt,

"Umm.... guys?" Pinkie Pie started laughing at our... exploits. "You wanna take this into a room?"

We'll keep playing without you.

I blushed like crazy, but gave her a quick "No..."

"Okay then! Let's keep going!"

--Time Skip--

Twilight's POV:
Everyone had gone to sleep except me and Pinkie, well, gone to bed. All those moans and gasps told me they weren't asleep by any means.

Pinkie and I slept in her room, Rarity and Applejack were in the guest room, and since Pinkie's parents would be gone until Tuesday, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash volunteered to sleep in the living room.

Unlike everyone else, Pinkie and I weren't being smutty as hell.

"Hey Twi, can we cuddle? I'm cold."

She clearly wasn't cold. I scooted next to her anyways. I wrapped her arms around her, and brought her close.

I studying her beautiful face, her cheeks were sorta plump, and it made her so fucking adorable. Especially when she was angry. Her bright blue eyes were literally the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. She was so warm, and she was curled up, melting herself into my embrace, as if I was going to protect from anything that may come. And I'd I have a choice in the matter, I will.

(A/N: another TwiPie part... sorry but I already made a Flutterdash story... and I freaking love TwiPie. Of course, this still a Rarijack story, so I'll try to tone down the TwiPie if you want.

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