Keep It In Your Fancy Pants, Keep Out Of Hers

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Rarity's POV:
Pinkie Pie's party set up went swimmingly. Everything was set, and the party was booked for next Friday. Afterwards, we left for my house. The girls were spending the night at my house so that Fancy Pants would only have to stop at one place in the morning.

We all settled in to our respective sleeping quarters and prepared to sleep. Applejack and I had taken my bed, while Twilight and Pinkie Pie had rolled out an old inflatable mattress and were sleeping on that. It was really cute how small Pinkie was compared to Twilight, and the way Twilight cradled Pinkie as if she were some valuable item that you made sure to take great care of. Twilight also had that Bring Me The Horizon tank top on. I've never seen her go to bed without that shirt on. It was a small thing that showed how much she cared.

Rainbow and Fluttershy had taken the downstairs guest room. We all knew how they got when they were alone, do we didn't dare leave them somewhere anyone would notice if they... *ahem*... made a mess.

I cuddled Aj and drifted off to sleep, excited for what was to come tomorrow. I knew Applejack wasn't super happy about it, but it was just a party, it wasn't like Fancy and I were going to have some sex orgy right in the middle of the dancefloor.

--Time Skip--

Rainbow's POV:
Applejack's face couldn't seem to settle on one emotion on the ride to the country club. First she looked sad, then angry, then confused, then lonely. But one thing that stayed on her face at all times, she was not happy.

I pulled out my phone and started texting her, knowing that the others wouldn't exactly agree with what we were saying.

--Text Conversation--
RD: Why did we agree to this again?
AJ: Because we didn't want to say no, and I need to keep an eye on Rarity.
RD: Do you really think she would cheat on you? Fancy Pants has made countless moves on her, nothing's happened yet.
AJ: This is different, this isn't a straight up date that he asked her out on at lunch. This a fancy party, with romantic decour.
RD: I still think you're overreacting a little.
AJ: Whatever, what do you know? XD
--End Of Conversation--

Aj was the only person I knew who still used XD, but I wasn't going to call her out on it.

We arrived at the club, and got out of the limo. For the most part, we did stick together. For the first hour or so, we would hang out together. Fancy Pants mided his own business, and only really came over to ask if we were enjoying ourselves.

Of course we were, but I wouldn't directly admit it.

After a while, though, Pinkie Pie and Twilight went out to the golf court. Mostly to ride the golf cart. I stayed with Aj, though. I wasn't going to leave my best friend behind.

When Applejack and Rarity made their way out to the dance floor, Shy and I did the same. It was fun to dance with Shy. She always got super ambarrased everytime she messed up, blushing hard and muttering a mix of apologies and curses. Of couse I let her stand on my shoes so she could get the hang of it, she turned out to be quite to dancer.

Applejack's POV:
Rainbow Dash really was one loyal son (daughter?) of a gun. She stayed right there with me the whole time. Rarity's perfume was what I pictured heaven to smell like, and she was so graceful. Even with the dance lessons I had taken as a kid she put me to shame.

Unfortunately it didn't last forever, before long Fancy Pants came and asked Rarity for a dance. She told me that it would be fine, and that I should sit down. After I sat at the bar and ordered some non-alcoholic apple cider, Rainbow and Shy came over to see if I was alright.

"I'm fine, Fancy asked Rarity for a dance. She told me she'd be fine and that I could sit and watch if I wanted." I told them. "Well, okay then! Shy and I are going for a walk in the woods, we should be back within the hour. See ya Aj!" Rainbow yelled as she ran out with Fluttershy.

Rarity and Fancy Pants looked like they were having fun. I wasn't all that happy about that. Who the hell was Fancy Pants, anyway? To ask my girlfriend to dance, and then be better at it than me!?

I shool my head and made myself stop thinking like that. I had no reason to be jealous, it's not like they were making out.

I looked up, they were making out. Fancy pulled Rarity into a room that I could only hope wasn't a bedroom. Maybe a closet. I heard the clunk of the lock from the other side of the room. It wasn't a closet.

I couldn't believe she just did that! Not only did she kiss Fancy back, but after five minutes she still hadn't come out!

I pulled my hat down over my eyes so that no one could see me crying. I rushed out as fast as I could. I didn't even know where I was going, just away from the asshole.

Rarity's POV:
Fancy and I were dancing, and Aj was watching us. I didn't know what she was worrying about, it's not like we were going to start making out. I looked up at his face, he leaned in and kissed me passionately.

I knew it was wrong, and I felt disgusting doing it, but I couldn't bring myself to break the kiss. His tender yet strong grasp, his warm hands, and his masculine scent. I kind of wanted this, no matter how much I hated myself for it.

When Fancy tried to walk me to a room, I didn't struggle. When he opened the door and broke the kiss, I could see Applejack standing up, but my mind was to clouded to think to go after her. Fancy layed me down on the bed, and snuggled next to me, continuing to make out with me.

We kept like this for a while, until I finally came to my senses. What was I doing? I just cheated on my girlfriend! Oh my God! What was wrong with me?!

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