Rarity's Jokes Are More Dry Than Her Hair Spray

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Applejack's POV:
I got a call from Granny Smith this morning saying that they were called up to my cousins Braeburn's farm to help with the harvest. Apparently he only needed three other people, though.

Rarity's parents were out in some state up north for a business trip, so she told me I could stay with her. I kindly accepted, like I was going to miss that opportunity, yeah right.

We got to Rarity's house after I dropped by the farm, I needed to get some more changes of clothes. Even though Rarity joked that I could just wear nothing.

She wasn't funny.

After a while Rarity's phone buzzed, but she was in the shower. "Rarity, your phone is going off!" I yelled, seriously hoping she didn't say whit I thought she would say.

"Just bring it in her darling!" She called back.


I brought her phone in to the bathroom, and closed my eyes. It's like I didn't want to see her, it just, felt weird. She turned off the showerhead, and stepped out. She dried her hands, and asked for her phone, I blindly tries to hand it to her.

"Oh Applejack, honestly! Open your eyes! We're dating, and you act like you haven't seen me naked before." She said, kind of sounding annoyed.

I opened my eyes, and my jaw kind of dropped. It wasn't intentional, but she was just so beautiful. "You know darling, you really should close you mouth. A bug could fly in there." She joked, and walked over to close my mouth. I handed her the phone and quietly walked off to the bedroom to, uh... regain my composure.

Rarity's POV:
I swear she is the most adorable young lady I've ever met. She gets so flustered over the smallest things.

I dried myself off the rest of the way, and checked see what was going on, I had a text from Fancy Pants

"Hi Rarity, my parents are throwing a party at a country club they own next Friday, and I was wondering if you would like to attend?"

Well, I'd love to attend, and that would give me and chance to invite him to Pinkie's party! I called Pinkie and told her that I had made plans with Fancy Pants for Friday and that she didn't need to worry about inviting him to her party because I would take care of it.

"Wait, what do you mean you made plans? Did you and Applejack break up? That's a bummer because she's told me how much she loves you, and I can tell you love her. I think you should reconsider if you did."

She just leapfrogged to that conclusion, didn't she? "No, Pinkie we did not break up, and it's not a date. He invited me to a party at his parents country club. There will be plenty or other people there, I highly doubt he's going to single me out." I was a little annoyed that she would just come to that conclusion, but that Pinkie Pie never did have any sort of filter.

"Ooooh, ok! That's a relief! Well then I guess I won't see you Friday to help set up, that's ok too! Bye-bye Rarity!" She hung up, so I decided to get dressed.

I looked over at Applejack, she was texting Rainbow Dash about some football player or something who won some award and how he was overrated. Seems like the kind of thing those two would talk about. Dodger Blitz appeared to be his name, it was a fine name. Fitting for a football player. It didn't have quite the ring to it that Applejack did, but a nice name either way.

Things were kind of slow today, and unless I got some emergency call, there shouldn't be anything else to do. I decided to turn in for the night, I had just slipped off my shirt and into my nightgown.

I got an emergency call.

"Rarity! Get Applejack and come quick! I need some assistance!" Pinkie Pie hung up the phone before I could answer, so I threw on one of Applejacks old hoodies and got Applejack.

I guess it worked on short notice, but this look was dreadful! It smelled like Aj, though. So, you know, glass half full. Pinkie Pie had texted me and told us to meet her at the party store.

When we got there, Pinkie and Twilight were standing there, in their pajamas. Rainbow was only in her underwear, so she couldn't even get out of the car. Fluttershy didn't even have shoes on! Honestly, Applejack and I were the only ones who bothered to get dressed, which would explain why we were the last ones there.

"Wha'd'ya need, Pinkie Pie?" Applejack asked.

"Ok, I need some things out of here, and I need help getting them all." She said. We all groaned in unison, but Pinkie looked serious, so we decided to help. My phone went off as I was walking to the helium tanks that I was supposed to grab one of. It was text from Fancy Pants.

-text conversation-
FP: Hi!
R: Hello, do you need something? Because I'm kind of busy.
FP: Oh! I was just wondering if your other five friends wanted to come, I only have your number. A lot of my other friends couldn't make it so you'd be the only one my age there.
R: Well, that's very kind of you! I'll ask them!
FP: Thank you, Rarity.
-end of conversation-

Applejack's POV:
After we got all the stuff we needed for Pinkie, we met up at the register. We all offered to help pay, but Pinkie refused, and payed it all herself.

"Ok everyone! I have an announcement!" Rarity said after we got to the parking lot. "If you'd be willing to move your party set up to Thursday or Saturday Pinkie, Fancy Pants invited us to his parents country club on Friday!"

Rainbow Dash's POV:
Pinkie Pie was totally cool with it, and so was Twilight. Fluttershy was on board, but me and Applejack were not exectly stoked for it. Not only I would I have to wear a dress, but Aj and I both knew this was just so Fancy could get a date from Rarity. He had liked her since last year.

Everyone looked at us expectently. Fluttershy was giving me a happy look, and it took a lot nit to agree just because of that. "I'll only go if we agree to stick together, at least for the most part." I said, after they said that would work, Aj and I reluctantly agreed.

Rarity seemed happy, and she told us all to come over tomorrow and she'd get our dresses ready.

(A/N: I gave you a little Fancity, along with the next part. I fucking hate that ship but oh well, plot reasons mostly. See you next time!)

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