This Ain't A Scene

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Rainbow Dash's POV:
We piled into Twilight's car and set off for this "SkyStrike" place. While Pinkie sang to some Fall Out Boy song on the radio. I'm pretty sure Pinkie Pie is a little obsessed with that band.

"Uh, Pinkie Pie? If this guy is the lead singer for a famous band, why does he need to be an arms dealer?" I don't think Fluttershy understood the point of the song.

The singer sounded drunk when he sang the chorus though.

"This Ain't a Scene it is a Goddamn Arms Race!" Pinkie sang with a lot more clarity.

Eventually we made we made it to that place Pinkie Pie was talking about.

Applejack's POV:
We got to this place Pinkie Pie kept raving about. We got wristbands saying we were allowed three hours.

This place really is amazing! Trampolines everywhere, foam pits, tightropes, it really did seem fun and I could totally understand the appeal... except for the fact the we had to do it barefoot. I wasn't very fond of that idea. The group kind of split into three, and went to do different things.

Rarity and I walked over to a grid of smaller trampolines with little barriers in between them. We had an amazing time, of course, anytime with Rarity is an amazing time.

Rarity's POV:
Oh this place was just as fun as Pinkie said it would be! And the fact that I got to spend time with Applejack is even better. We walked over to a big ledge and sat down, it was late and most of the kids were gone.

I leaned in and kissed Applejack, I wrapped my arms around her and used her earthy scent as oxygen. Applejack had become my life, and I intended to let her now as soon as possible.

"Applejack." She broke the kiss and leaned back, "Aj, we've only been dating for a short while, but I need to tell you something." She was scared, I could tell. "I, love you. I have for a while, and I figured now was the time to tell you, officially." I could see the stress leave her eyes.

"Oh sugarcube, I love you too. Thanks. I honestly thought you were about to break up with me."

The fact that she said that put everything into a different perspective. I was her girlfriend, and she was my everything. I was upset just to know she could even think that. "Oh of course not darling, you can't imagine what it would take for me to even consider breaking up with you, and even then I love you so much I would never do it."

She leaned in and we kissed one more time.

Pinkie's POV:
Twily and I had gone to a foam pit that you jumped into by running up a ramp, and jumping onto a trampoline, finally landing in the pit.

That thing was a pain in the ass to get out of.

Eventually Twilight got tired, so I got her a Sprite from the vending machine. We kind of started making out, I mean, I guess it was an accident. We started with just a kiss, but it, well... it escalated rather quickly.

After we stopped, this lady came up to us and asked if she could talk to us. I got ready to have a fight if this lady was a homophobe, and I could see the others walking over here too, hugging their girlfriend close just in case. Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all got over here, and stood next to me and Twilight. We were ready for a fight, if it came to that.

"Oh, hi!" She looked at Aj and Rarity, than at Flutters and Dashie, "are you friends with them?"


"Are you dating each other?" She directed this question at Fluttershy and Rainbow, but Rarity and Applejack also answered yes.

"Oh, ok! I just wanted to say," Here we go. "Thank you." Well, that was unexpected.

The tension left everyone's eyes, "Thank you for being yourselves, and for not letting anyone tell you who to love. People like you who aren't afraid to be with whoever they love, no matter what anyone think, are the people who make me happy to be alive. So sorry to bother you, but, thank you for being who you are, and not who society wants you to be." She walked away, and I thought Applejack was going to cry, she looked so happy!

"Well, if that isn't the nicest stranger I've ever come across!" Applejack said. We still had an hour to have fun, so we got some drinks, and talked for a while, but we split up again soon.

Fluttershy POV:
That really was the nicest person I've met in a long time! Actually gave me hope for humanity.

"Fluttershy! Look at this! They have a rope swing into a foam pit! It's totally awesome!" Rainbow loved everything that involved speed, especially if she could do it in the air. Rainbow Dash liked being a little reckless every now and then, but most of the time she liked to avoid getting hurt.

She convinced me try it, but I was super scared. What I looked weird? What if I overestimated and hit the wall? What if I leaned the wrong way? Then I'd hit the side of the foam pit. Everyone would laugh and me and I'd ruin the night for my friends. I mustered what little confidence I had and swung, though. I did a backflip into a corkscrew and landed feet first into the pit.

I guess those gymnastics lessons a few years back actually payed off. When I got out of the pit, Rainbow Dash was just staring at me. I must have messed up somewhere.

"Fluttershy, that was totally awesome! Where did you learn to do that?"

"I took some gymnastic lessons a few years ago, but awesome? I'm not awesome, I'm ok at best, you're awesome Dashie, but me? I'm just ok."

Rainbow Dash's POV:
I don't even understand how Fluttershy can be so hard on herself! I don't think I've ever heard her say one good thing about herself! She was so nice to everyone else!

Rarity's POV:
After a while, one of the workers came and said our time was up. We took a few pictures before we left, then set out on the road. We stopped by a Domino's Pizza and got some dinner. When we got to Pinkie's place, we quickly ate, and decided to watch a movie before bed.

It turned out to be Zootopia that we watched. A rather fabulous movie, in my opinion. Aj and I turned in after the movie was over.

"Y'know Rarity, you said earlier that you can't eat me out literally, why don't we go change that?" Why, I never expected such language from Applejack.

I mean, she had a good idea. But still.

We got settled, and were about to get... *Ahem* intimate, when we heard the loudest outburst of laughter from Pinkie's room, "what do you suppose they're doing in there?"

"Pinkie's probably telling some jokes, or showing Twilight some of her 'dank memes'." Oh poor Applejack, she tried so hard.

"O shit waddup?" I laughed, so did Aj, but I don't think she really got the joke.

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