Sleepover Supreme

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Applejack's POV:
Sunlight seeped in through the window, and woke me up.

I thought I told Rarity to close the fucking blinds. Either way, I was up, and thanks to that sleep mask of hers, Rarity wasn't. I wasn't upset though, Rarity was so peaceful when she slept.

Her soft skin felt amazing, I would know because I used her chest as a pillow. Her purple hair somehow managed to stay perfectly styled, even while she slept. I don't care very much about my appearance, but even I was jealous of that.

It was a shame to wake her up, but I could hear Pinkie Pie and Twilight talking down the hall, so I figured I might as well.

I gently shook her shoulders... "Rarity, Rarity." Nothing happened, but I thought I saw her smirk. "Well... I was going to take you to the mall to go shopping but if you won't wake up..."

I never saw anyone sit up that fast.

"Well, now darling, I can't pass up an opportunity like that now can I?"

God I loved her.

Rarity's POV: Aj and I went dowstairs where everyone was already waiting.

"So... what do you guys wanna do today?" Classic Rainbow Dash, never can sit still, that one.

"Well, I was gonna take Rarity to the mall to go shopping, I'm sure she wouldn't if you guys came along." Applejack started looking at me, expecting a response.

"Oh, uh, no! I don't care, bring them! The more the merrier!" I was a little flustered because Aj had kind of interrupted my train of thought.

When we got to the mall, I dragged Applejack to Forever 21 after agreeing to meet the others at the food court at 12:30. It was fun watching country girl Aj try on the fabulous, elegant dresses. She said she didn't like it, but I'd be lying if I said she wasn't gorgeous looking.

Pinkie's POV:
Twilight really wanted to go to Barnes and Nobles, but she said I could pick the first store we went to. She always said she liked my "edgy side", whatever that means. I took her to my personal favorite store, Hot Topic!

I walked in, and was immediately greeted by the cahsier, Lemon Zest.

"Hey Pinkie, been a while since you've been here!"

"Pinkie, you two know each other?" Twilight seemed confused, I didn't really understand.

"Of course! I used to come here every other week, before I started dating you. After that I kinda suppressed my punk rock side." I explained to her that this used to be my second home, and that I know all the cashiers.

I had about a few hundred dollars to spend saved up, so I got t-shirts for Sword Art Online, Fall Out Boy, Twenty One Pilots, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and I got a replica of Kirito's sword. I also bought a pair of headphones. I got Twilight to try on a Panic! At The Disco shirt, and a Bring Me The Horizon tank top.

She looked so hot.

She bought the shirt and tank top, and I bought all my stuff with fifty dollars to spend. So I took Twi to that book store.

I loved it when Twily read books, she'd prop her feet up, bite her lower lip, and mouth the words she was reading. When she read them out loud (mostly to me), she made different voices for all the characters. She said it was because I liked it and she loved my laugh, but I knew she liked doing all those voices just as much as I loved hearing them.

I went ahead and bought the last two Harry Potter books, I was never an avid reader, but Twilight got me into the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series. I've adopted a love of reading recently, but I still love when Twily reads to me. Ironically enough, Twilight hates the Twilight series, she says they're the worst books she's ever read. I like them though, so I have to read them myself because she refuses to read those books to me.

Fluttershy's POV:
Rainbow Dash asked me where I wanted to go first, but I didn't really have a specific place I wanted to go, so I took Rainbow to an athletics store. She told me she needed new running shoes, and her favorite work out shirt was getting a little small. It showed a bit of her stomach, neither of us were complaining about that, but it was really tight and snug around her neck.

When we left she took me to a clothes store, where I bought some skirts and tank tops. Rainbow Dash told me I looked hot, but I didn't believe her. Rainbow Dash was hot, but me? I was a piece of crap, who probably didn't even deserve Dashie. I decided to push those thoughts out of my head, I knew how dangerous thinking like that could be. I also bought some boots and sandals. I wasn't a huge fan of shoes anyways, but I needed them, I didn't like the feel of sneakers, and dress shoes hurt.

Applejack's POV:
Rarity had me in that damn store forever, making me put on dresses. She kept telling me how amazing I looked, but I didn't like to see my self in dresses. Jeans, button ups, and my hat, that's what I like. So naturally, when I got to pick a store, that's how I dressed her. She was hot.

(A/N: gonna let this go, because what happens at the food court is something I want to put in a separate chapter. This is actually my shortest chapter so far, but it took the longest to write, (about 8 hours in total). See you next time!)

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