Of All The Phobias...

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Applejack's POV:
We set our stuff down at the table and left Rainbow to guard it so no one took anything.

Fluttershy went to Chick-fil-A with Pinkie and Twilight, and me and Rarity went to get pizza.

Me and Rarity got in the super long line, and decided we needed a way to pass the time. We talked about a lot of things, from school, to sports, politics and everything in between. We were near the front of the line, and Rarity decided to lean in and kiss me. I blushed super hard, until I heard a groan from being me.

I spun around, quick as a rattlesnake "You got a problem, buddy?" I knew it was a bad idea to start something with this idiot, but really I can't stand these assholes.

"Yeah, I do. Two girls should not be kissing each other! You both are going to hell! Along with all the other nasty gayfers!"

"Oh gee, trapped in hell with nothing but other gay people, sounds like torture." I rolled my eyes at this jerk, and turned back around.

"That's right! Adam and Eve! Didn't they teach you that in church? Or did you're disgusting ass not go?" This dickwad was really laying it on thick.

"I went to church, I was a member of the choir and everything! The only difference is your dumb ass read what you wanted, I read what the Bible says. Don't you remember 'Love Thy Neighbor'? What about 'Thou Shall Not Judge'? News flash: you're going to hell too buddy!"

The girl looked angry as she tried to think of a comeback, until she raised up her arm and took a swing at me.

Rarity didn't take kindly to that.

"Now you listen here you goddamn motherfu-"

Rarity was cut off by a guy who I assumed was the girls boyfriend, "Woah! Woah, Ella, did you just swing at this girl?"

"Yeah, I did! These two are dating, they are what's wrong with the world!"

"Wait, you mean to tell me that you tried to assault someone... because they love a certain person? Are you serious?!" This guy wasn't all that bad, how could he date someone like her?

"Yes I'm serious! Are you telling me you support gay marriage?"

"Yes! I'm fucking bi, Ella! Of course I support gays!" That escalated quickly.

"W-what do you mean your bi?"

"I mean I'm bi! Do I need to fuck a man to prove it to you? What are you going to do? Are you going to punch me too?"

The girl looked shocked, she was steaming. Eventually she ran away, and left us with the guy.

"Sorry Ella was such a jerk. I didn't know that was her opinion on gay marriage, and I didn't know she was that violent. We just started dating a few days ago, glad I found this stuff out sooner rather than later. Have a nice rest of the day, so sorry again!" He ran off before I could tell him that he didn't need to apologize.

Rarity's POV:
I can't believe that that jackass had the audacity to try to punch Aj! Why I never! Thank God for her boyfriend, or I wouldn't have been able to control my temper as well as Applejack did.

We ordered our food and went and sat with the others. I didn't have much of an appetite anymore, though. Aj and I sat down, and she immediately wrapped herself around me and started crying on my shoulder.

Homophobes really got under Aj's skin, even though she would never show it to anyone except her best friends. I gently kissed her forehead and rubbed her back.

"What's the matter, Applejack?" Fluttershy was the first one to actually pluck up the courage to ask.

"Applejack and I had a run in with a... well let's just say she was a pain in the ass. I'll tell you about it later."

They all nodded, they knew it took a lot to make Aj cry in public. We started eating, and talked about what all we bought. I was especially happy for Pinkie Pie, I knew she kept her punk rock side to her self, even though she kind of passed it on to Twilight. It was nice to see her so happy about the stuff she liked.

Fluttershy told us that she had bought Rainbow some athletic wear, and some shoes for herself, in exchange for Dash paying for the food. The boots she bought were really cute though.

Twilight had gotten some science books, and some other science experiments and models. She had also helped Pinkie locate the final two Harry Potter books she needed to complete her set. Of course Twilight promised to read them to her later.

--Time Skip--

Twilight's POV:
Rarity told us that Applejack had gotten into a fight with some homophobic jerk, and that she was really upset about it. Everyone was really upset about it. It was kind of late when we got back to Pinkie's place, and Rarity and Applejack went to bed.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were downstairs watching a movie, so me and Pinkie were in her room hanging out. I was wearing my Bring Me The Horizon tank top that I bought today, and Pinkie Pie had put Fall Out Boy in her CD player, and we were listening to that.

Pinkie had put on her little puppy ears and a little black thing that she fastens around her neck with a jingle bell on it, she calls it a collar, but I'm not sure what's it's called. She likes to wear them when we're alone. She was giving me a foot rub while I read her the 6th Harry Potter book. I told her it was a bad idea, but she wanted me to read the book, and I kind of complained about my feet hurting so she insisted that I let her massage them.

It felt nice, I'm not gonna lie. The problem was, the Pinkie was so good at massages, feet, back or *ahem* other parts of the body. It was so relaxing, I was scared I would fall asleep.

"Pinkie," she perked up "Can you stop? You're gonna make me fall asleep." She stopped and apologized, then she gave my foot a kiss.

I wonder if this is another weird thing she was into, I'd have to ask.

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