Saying Yes To The Dress Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be

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Rarity's POV:
"Excuse me, Fancy Pants. Thanks for the party, but I'm afraid that I have to go." I said hurriedly. I grabbed my shoes that I had taken off, and prepared to find Applejack, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Fancy Pants. "Please Rarity, stay with me." He pleaded.

I refused. I was a woman on a mission, and I needed to find my girl. That is, if she still wanted to be my girl."No, Fancy Pants! I need to go!" It was very unladylike to scream like that, but what I just did is unforgivable, and I had to make it right.

I went to open the door, and Fancy spun me around and kissed me again. "Please, Rarity. Stay here, you'll be better off." He said. I wanted to punch him, but I didn't want to get my friends thrown out if they were enjoying themselves. I said a quick "no" and walked out the door, I had to find Applejack.

Applejack's POV:
I couldn't fucking believe Rarity. To think Rainbow thought I was overreacting! I knew this was a bad idea! I started storming off, and came face to face with Dash and Shy. "Hey Aj! Where's Rarity?" Rainbow asked, looking around. "Why don't you ask her new boyfriend Fancy Pants? That is if you can get them to stop making out with each other!" I screamed.

"Wh-what do you mean Applejack?" Fluttershy asked. "Rarity's in some stupid bedroom! Probably having sex with that asshat! But wherever she is, she's obviously having quite a bit of fun!" I screamed. I didn't mean to yell at Fluttershy, but I was so pissed! I stormed off toward the woods Shy and Dash just came out of.

I was stopped by Pinkie and Twi, "Hey Applejack. We heard you screaming, what's a matter?" Twilight asked. Pinkie Pie looked seriously worried. "I don't know, Twilight!" I screamed, "Why don't you go ask Rarity and her new sex partner? If you can get them off of each other I'm sure they could tell you what the matter is!" I started to run off, when I noticed that Twilight looked really scared by my outburst.

"I'm sorry, Twi. I'm just really upset. Rarity's in there making out with Fancy Pants and I just... I'm sorry." I said as I started to cry. I ran off into the woods.

Rarity's POV:
I ran outside, where everyone but Applejack was. "Ladies! Do you know where Appleja-" I was cut off by Rainbow Dash decking me hard, nearly knocking me off my feet. "What the hell, Rarity!? You fucking cheated on Applejack and now you expect us to tell you where she is? Why? So you can break up with her officially and leave her more heartbroken than she is!?" Rainbow screamed. It was nice how protective she was of Applejack, and I totally deserved that punch and everything she said. I had to find her though.

"Rainbow Dash listen! I an the embodiment of every terrible thing anyone has ever done to someone! You can't even believe how terrible I feel! I need to find Applejack. Even though she probably won't even consider forgiving me, I need her to know that I feel terrible for what I did." I cried, my eyes were tearing up. I could see Rainbow Dash's expression softening, and she finally spoke. "Fine. She ran into the woods. I hope you liked your time with Fancy Pants because after the shit you did, give me one reason she should even consider taking you back!" Rainbow yelled, and she was right. "I don't have any reasons at all, don't you understand?" I screamed as I ran off into the woods.

Applejack's POV:
I heard the sound of cruching leaves and gasping breath. I was sitting on a rock in the middle of a creek, crying my eyes out, when I heard a familiar voice.

"Applejack? I need to talk to you." Rarity said, standing on the side of the creek I was facing away from. I stood up and faced her, "What Rarity? Why do you need to talk to me? Why can't you go talk to your boyfriend? I knew this was gonna happen! That's why I didn't want to come! I knew that you were going to end up with him, and I didn't want to be here when it happened! Well guess what, it happened! And I saw all of it!" I screamed, I could see my words hurt her, but I didn't care. She deserved it.

"Applejack I know what I did was wrong! I know he shouldn't have kissed me, but please! Applejack please forgi-" cut her off, "Are you serious?" I screamed, "I'm not mad about Fancy Pants kissing you! I'm mad because you let him do it! He lead you to a room, and you saw me get up and leave and do you know what you did? You went in the room with him and kept going!" I was crying, and I could see that Rarity was, too.

"Applejack, please! Please, I beg you!" She screamed. I couldn't believe her! She expected me to forgive her! "Look Rarity, it's obvious that this isn't working. Think about your piorities, think long and hard. See where I come up on that list, and then don't talk to me!" I screamed at her, deep down I did forgive her. I knew how swept up Rarity could get, and I knew this wasn't entirely her fault, but I was not going to sit here, get cheated on, and then accept the apology from the girl who did it! "I'm sorry Rarity. You made your choice, I've made mine. We're done, don't talk to me!" I continued to scream. I ran away.

I ran into Rainbow Dash and the others. "Aj? Where are you going?" She asked. "I'm going home! I'm not staying here, I'll see you sometime if I don't come to Pinkie's party. I'm walking. Goodbye." I said, and rushed off.

Rarity's POV:
Oh my God. What have I done? I felt like I just lost my whole word, and it was all my fault. Applejack just broke up with me! God I'm such an idiot! What was I thinking? I should have stopped it as soon as it started.

I walked out of the woods, my head hung in shame. Rainbow ran up to me and grabbed my shoulder, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?" She screamed at me, "APPLEJACK IS FUCKING WALKING HOME BECAUSE SHE CAN'T STAND BEING HERE ANYMORE! I HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT!!!!" I had never seen Rainbow Dash this mad, I deserved it, though.

I told Fancy Pants that I was leaving and that I would walk if I had too, apparently he was mad at me for some reason. He told that that was fine and that he wouldn't drive me anyways.

It was a long, hot walk home. When I got to my porch, Aj's dress was sitting there. There was a note there, too. "Rarity, I got all my stuff out. Here's your fucking dress back, too. I hope you're happy. ~Applejack"

I started crying. This was it. It was over, and it was all my fault.

(A/N: I know this chapter came super quick but I was so excited for this chapter, and I had a lot of time to kill XD. Things look bleak here, but don't worry! More to come!)

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