It Could Have Been Bad, But It All Worked Out

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Applejack's POV:
It had been a week since the party, I didn't go anywhere in that time. I was heartbroken. At that moment, I didn't even see the point. I tried my best to shake those thought from my head, but they just wouldn't leave. I was in the attic of the farm, when I heard someone banging on the door.

I looked up the widow, it was Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. I walked downstairs and let them in.

"Hey Applejack. H-how are you doing?" Fluttershy started, "Oh! Sorry... that was a stupid question? I-I mean... are you okay?" It was nice how much Fluttershy cared about everyone around her. Rainbow had found a great person in Shy. "I'm okay, Fluttershy. Things have just been a little hard since the party. Thanks for asking."

Rainbow's POV:
Applejack looked terrible, no matter what she said. Shy and I were going to help her. "Come on, Applejack. We're here to help cheer you up!" I said, picking her up off of the sofa she had collapsed onto. "Rainbow, I don't want to go anywhere, and I don't want to meet anyone." She replied. I wasn't giving up that easily though.

"Applejack! You have been sitting here moping around for a week and we're here to put a stop to it. Pinkie Pie's party starts in..." I checked my watch, "thirty minutes, and I'll be damned if I let you miss it! Come on!" I grabbed her arm and brought her outside. We walked to a bus stop and headed to Pinkie's place.

When we got there the party had just started (why did these damn bus rides take so long?). Twilight was gone. Pinkie told she was going to grab someone who didn't have a ride over.

Twilight's POV:
I don't know why I was doing this. Pinkie told me that she shouldn't miss out on the party, but considering what Rainbow and Flutters were doing, this seemed like a bad idea. These two had a pretty rocky history. I did not want to be stuck in the crossfire.

I pulled up to Rarity's house.

I walked up to the home and knocked on the door. "Door's open." I hear. I slowly walked in, and found Rarity laying on her bed. I passed by her TV and wal- wait. Was she watching The Fault In Our Stars? I loved that movie.

I shooed my head. Not why I'm here. "Listen Rarity. Pinkie Pie and I want you to come to Pinkie's party. It's about to start and you've been moping around for the past week. Come on!" I said, hoping she didn't make this difficult. "You know what, you're right!" She said. Thank goodness. "Just because I did something terrible to Applejack, does not mean I should stay here and do nothing! I'll come!" Thank God.

We walked to my car, and headed to the party.

Rarity's POV:
Twilight had a good point. I couldn't just stay home and sob, I had to get back out there and continue my life!

We arrived to the party and I saw Applejack. Nope. I'm done here.

"Twilight I'm not doing this!" I yelled and hopped into the car, "take me home!" She turned to me with an angry look on her face. "Rarity you have two choices here. You have the same group of friends as Aj, so either find a way to coexist, or we're going to have some problems!" She said.

I knew there was no point arguing, so I walked. I kept my head down. "Hey Rarity! Glad you can make it!" Pinkie yelled.


Applejack's POV:
My head snapped up, did I just hear that? I looked at the door, and there was Rarity, oh hell no. "Rainbow Dash! Why did you bring me here? Did you know she was coming?" I asked. "No! I swear, I had no idea. I just wanted you to come out of your shell. I'm sorry." She said quietly.

I calmed down a little. It took everything I had, but I finally mustered, "fine. I'll behave if she does." Rainbow nodded.

I took a deep breath, and walked over to her. I could see her visibly recoil when I walked up. "Hi, Rarity." I said, "Listen, I'm still totally pissed at you. I'm starting to forgive you, though. I want to be friends again for now. If you promise that what happened will never happen again." She visibly brightened.

Rarity's POV:
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Here was Applejack, the girl I had left heartbroken. I felt like a disgusting ball of slime. She was here, telling me she was willing to forgive me! That she wanted to be friends again! I was so happy! "Oh Applejack! Thank you! I swear what happened will never ever happened again! You can't even imagine what I felt like after I realized what I was doing! Thank you for forgiving me!" I said.

"So, if you're okay with it, I'd like to hang out with you tonight, as friends." Applejack said, smiling. We grabbed my hand and we walked over to where our friends were.

"Hi guys! So... are you okay... or...?" Pinkie asked. "Yep! Aj and I are friends again!" I said happily, and I could see all the other's perk up, too. "That's great, you guys! I'm glad you were able to work things out!" Twilight beamed. "Oh, me too Twilight!" Applejack said.

--Time Skip--

Applejack's POV:
Pinkie Pie had told the five of us that we could spend another night if we wanted. We all happily agreed.

Pinkie had thrown an amazing party, and Rarity and I had become really great friends again. The six of us retreated to Pinkie's room after the party. None of us were tired at all.

Rarity was laying on my shoulder, and I had my hand wrapped around her in a warm ebrace. It had become something we did so often it was just a natural position now.

Pinkie offered a game of either Truth Or Dare or Never Have I Ever. We chose Truth Or Dare, and settled in to play.

(A/N: You didn't honestly think I would leave you with the breakup did you? Don't worry my friends! Story is going strong! Hope you enjoy

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