Fabric Made Of Water And Hearts Made Of Love

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(A/N: Hi! Feel free to leave to leave a comment, because I really wanna hear from the people who read my stories!)

Rarity's POV:
Pinkie Pie had moved her party set up to Thursday, so I really only had today and a little bit of tomorrow to get these dresses ready. I called the five over for their input (to a degree). I already their measurements burned into my mind, I had made so many dresses for them since the sixth grade dance. We were in our second year of high school. I did take them down again, they haven't grown much since then, but better safe than sorry.

I even had their color preferences on file. I started with Pinkie Pie, as she was the smallest. She told me what she wanted, and I put my artistic touch on it. I did the same with the other five, it had taken them over an hour to finish telling me what to do. After they left so I could start actually making the dresses, I spent five minutes to vent.

"Rarity? Can the the dress be pinker? And the balloon hairpin be a softer yellow and a brighter blue?" I mocked I'm Pinkie Pie's voice. "Oh, and Rarity? Can my hat have a green trim? I think that really go's with the red one you gave me." I continued to mock, this time doing Applejack. "Oh, Rarity? Can make this dress about... 20% cooler?" Rainbow Dash was the most frustrating of all, what the hell did that even mean?

"Rarity! Rarity! Rarity! Fuck me!" I screamed as I flopped on her bed.

"Gladly!" I heard the sweet southern accent that I loved so much coming from the window.

Applejack climbed in and I started blushing, not only from my outburst but also from her response to it. "Oh, h-hi A-applejack! Wh-what do you need?" I stuttered, making myself blush even more.

"I just came to say sorry for being a little pushy about the dress, I'm sure you know what you're doing when it comes to this stuff." Applejack said. "Did stubborn as hell Applejack just apologize?" I mocked her, making her blush, she nodded.

"That's fine, Aj. It's your dress, of course you get a say! In fact, why don't we start working on yours right now!" I bent over and started to dig through my stuff.

Applejack's POV:
"Ah ha!" She screamed and pulled out the same green trimmed ret hat I always wore with my dress. I always assumed she made a different one each time. Looking back though that's a pretty stupid assumption. She placed the hat on my head, still fit like a glove!

It really was amazing watching her work, she sewed that fabric together like it was made of water. Her motion was so fluid, and there was practically no resistance. She must have noticed my staring, "Is it really that interesting, darling? I've known you since 1st grade, you've never cared about fashion in the slightest." She remarked, and she had a point. I had never cared about what Rarity did, no matter how good it looked. The practice just never interested me.

This was different though, something about watching Rarity's small, smooth hands work that fabric into a beautiful dress just mystified me now. I was entranced. I noticed small details that made it even better, like how Rarity raised her pinkie finger while working, or how she squinted her eyes to make sure she had everything just right. She eventually finished after about an hour and a half, and told me to try it on. I walked into the bathroom and slipped off my clothes, and putting on the dress. I really did look amazing, if I do say so myself, I don't know how Rarity does it!

I walked out into the room, and Rarity's jaw dropped. "You know you should stop admiring your own handiwork. Let everyone else in the world do it you." I joked. "Oh darling, I'm not admiring the dress, I'm admiring the model. You really do look amazing!" She shot back.

I blushed really hard, muttering a quick thanks. "Okay! You go home! It'll take me forever to get these dresses done if I'm standing here gawking at you!" She said, making me blush harder.

I left for Twilight's place, I told her I would help organize some books she just got. I don't know why that would take longer than five seconds, but I promised either way.

--Time Skip--

Twilight's POV:
I was super happy Aj had come to help. I got a few new books this weekend, and I wanted someone to help me empty my bookshelves so I could make sure they were in the right place. After Applejack and I were finished I got a call from Rarity.

"Twilight darling, I have the dresses ready for you girls. I already gave her her dress, but bring Applejack, too. She's spending the week with me. See you soon!" Rarity said, then she hung up. I turned to Applejack, "I didn't know you were spending the week with Rarity." I said. "I am indeed, sugarcube." She replied.

"So... do you sleep in the same bed or...?" I questioned. "As a matter of fact, we do." She shot back. "Of couse, I doubt there's much sleeping. How many times do your neighbors have to come over and tell you to quiet down per night?" I said, she shut up quick. I had won this little battle.

Applejack's POV:
Twilight seriously needed to shut up. I didn't really mind the jokes about Rarity, I had gotten used to bad jokes. I don't know why I was mad, I kind of just was. We got to Rarity's house and everyone else was already there. Once we all got inside, Rarity sent each one into the bathroom separately to change. They all looked decent, but Rarity was easily the most gorgeous one. We stayed and chatted for a while, but eventually everyone left and Rarity and I settled in for the night.

(A/N: I hope you like this chapter, I know it feels like this story is going nowhere, but this story is going to go somewhere soon, trust me! I hoped enjoyed, feel free to tell me about anything you like about the story!)

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