Eat Your Cereal

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Applejack's POV:
Tonight was the last night we would stay with Pinkie. I mean, we would without a doubt be coming back over within a few weeks, but this sleepover was near the end.

I got dressed, and walked downstairs. I quietly tried to make myself some cereal, but when you want to be quiet, even tiptoes sound like bombs going off. The Froot Loops hitting against the bowl sounded like thunder, but Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash weren't waking up.

Pinkie Pie came down, and she really had no intention of being quiet.

She dragged herself over to the table and sat down. She sighed rather loudly, she had a sad look that you didn't normally see on her face. I put the milk in the fridge and walked over to see what was the matter.

I sat down my bowl and sat next to her, trying to look serious while munching on cereal. "What's wrong sugarcube?"

"Oh, Applejack. I did something with Twilight yesterday that I'm starting to regret." Really? Twilight making Pinkie second guess herself? That's weird. "She was reading a book, and I was giving her a foot rub. Everything was fine until she told me to stop. Then I did something that I would never do with anybody else, I acted upon a kink that I have that I'm really insecure about."

This story was getting weird, I was starting to worry about Pinkie.

"After I did that, she told me that she didn't want to read anymore, and curled up, facing away from me. I feel super bad, and I'm really scared that she won't accept me. Applejack, Twilight is my whole world. If I lose her, I don't know what I'll do." She threw her arms around me and started crying into my shoulder.

"Pinkie Pie, stop crying. Right now."

Pinkie Pie wiped her eyes and looked at me, she looked broken, she looked like the world was ending right in front of her, and she couldn't do anything about it.

"Sugarcube, Twilight has come to accept every little kink and quirk that you've given her, and sure she can take this one, whatever it is. Twi loves you, trust me. She wouldn't do this much for you if she didn't. You two are gonna be fine, don't worry." I felt bad seeing poor Pinkie down in the dumps.

She perked up, and threw her arms around me.

"Thank you Applejack!" We heard someone coming down the stairs, while Pinkie start crying again. Something told me these were tears of joy, though.

It was Twilight. "Pinkie Pie? Is that you down there, I need to talk to you."

Pinkie ran to her and hugged her so hard that she almost fell over. She started crying into Twilight's new tank top, Twilight gave me a puzzled look.

"She was fretting about somethin' she did last night, and she was afraid that you couldn't handle it. She was scared you would dump her over it, of course I told she was being silly."

Pinkie Pie looked up at Twilight with sad eyes, and whimpered, "Twilight? Are you ok? If what I did was to much just tell me! I swear I can hold it back, you mean the whole world to me, Twi! Losing you isn't something I could handle, so, please... just stay with me."

Twilight actually smiled, then she started to giggle, and it eventually turned into full on gut laughter. "Oh Pinkie, I'm not mad at you or anything about what you did. Plenty of people are like that, and there's nothing wrong with you for it. I love you, Pinkie Pie, and nothing will ever change that." She leaned down and kissed Pinkie's forehead, and Pinkie let out the biggest sigh of relief I've ever heard. "I just wish you would've just told me instead of just doing it. Buuuuuut, why don't you come upstairs with me and we can have some fun with it."

I've never seen Pinkie so happy, and that's saying something. She practically flew up those stairs, whatever she did to Twilight, it must have been something she really liked.

Rarity's POV:
I woke up from a wondrous dream about Applejack and I to the sound of uproarious laughter from... it sounded like Twilight. Applejack was already out of bed, so I assumed she was downstairs.

Aj was sitting at the table when I came down. I poured a bowl of Applejacks and milk, and left the spoon out.

"So you're just gonna eat those Applejacks right outta the bowl?" She seemed confused.

"Well I can't eat you out literally, darling."

I think Applejack just passed out.

Totally worth it.

After Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash woke up, Pinkie Pie told us that she needed help with a party she was throwing in a few weeks. And asked if we could help, of course we all agreed. Twilight, being the only 16 year old, and the only one with a driver's license, drove us to the store to get the supplies. Pinkie Pie got everything, ballons, streamers, confetti, and everything in between. This was going to be one incredible party.

--Time Skip--

Applejack's POV:
I was still thinking about Rarity's little joke from earlier.

Pinkie Pie told me that she wanted us to spend our last night of the sleepover doing something fun. She's taking us to some trampoline place called SkyStrike or something like that, it sounds fun, and it seems like the perfect place for Pinkie, all that bouncing? Right up her alley.

"Okay everyone! Are you prepared for the most fun you've had all weekend?"

We gave rather excited nods

"Then everybody in the car!!!"

(A/N: I know you probably want me to stop with TwiPie, but I really love that ship, and since everyone's going home next chapter, I wanted to get one last TwiPie scene in until the party!)

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