Just a litte tired (Chapter 7)

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Havent uploaded for a couple of days IKR, but i was kind of busy you see, College is taking over my life, but thank god its my final year! Anyways enough blabbing .... This chapters quite long :D 8-) But i didnt get to edit it, so yeah excuse my spelling, grammar !


Chapter 7

Wednesday June 12th

When I woke up he was still asleep in the chair. I watched some TV. “Morning.” I jumped. I didn’t realize he was standing right beside me. “Sorry.”

“Morning.” I smiled up at him “How’d you sleep?”

“Like a rock. My neck is stiff.” he rubbed the back of his neck. “That chair isn’t that comfortable. He looked at the clock and groaned. “I have to go to school.”

“I’ll see you when you get back.” he kissed me on the cheek and left.

It was the worst day I had ever spent in the hospital. It was hot, the air conditioner is broken and I’m stuck inside. The only good thing that happened was that the doctor said I could leave when someone came to pick me up. I decided to wait for Jake. He’ll be relieved to find out he doesn’t have to sleep in that chair again. Tom stopped by to see how I was doing. This was before I was able to leave. But then he left for a date with Rebecca.

It was almost half past three when Jake came in. “Hey. Do you know when you can leave yet?” he walked over and hugged me.

“I can leave right now. You don’t have to sleep in that chair again.”

“That’s great. Let’s get out of here.” He couldn’t wait to get out of there. He pulled me along to his truck. “Where to?”

“Let’s drop my stuff off at my house first.”

“After that?” he asked.

I couldn’t think of anything until we got to my house. “It’s a nice day. How about the beach?”

“Okay. I think I still have some marshmallows.” he carried my bag for me. “Saturday we should go see Trash.” he suggested.

“Okay.” I put my stuff in my room and then we left for the beach. We were laying on the sand watching the clouds float by. We talked about a lot of stuff. I learned that his worst subject in school is biology. I learned that his favorite movie is the blind side. His favorite song is I don’t want to miss a thing by aero smith. And he hates dr. pepper.

Things he learned about me is my favorite movie is dirty dancing. My favorite song is for your entertainment by Adam Lambert. I hate mushrooms and my best friends name is Kim.

We talked about our favorite pizza toppings and my art class. We talked about the first time he ever tasted beer. He was sixteen and was at his friends house. We talked about the stupidest jokes we ever heard. That part was really funny.

“I can’t see you until Saturday.” he said. “Mom says I have to stay home and spend time with uncle Ray.” he made a face at the thought.

“She says that after he hit you? I don’t believe it.”

He let out an irritated sigh. “I know. I hate him. We’re going fishing. I don’t even like fishing. I don’t even like to eat it. Probably just wants to get me alone to yell at me some more.” he was angry. His free hand clenched into a fist.

“That’s awful.” I had an idea. “You can stay on the couch at my house.”

He looked at me with a surprised expression. “What?”

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