Chapter 3

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So, it was about to be the end of the school year, and we were all finally going to become seventh graders. I had a great friendship with everyone. But one day, that day, my life completely changed.

My dad was kidnapped.

All of my family was in danger. They were threatening to kill us. By they, i refer to the kidnappers.

I left school. I left Heath. I left everything, for a whole two weeks. Those two weeks were like hell.

My dad, kidnapped, my mom, at the hospital, and me, with my poor brother who had no idea of what was going on,we were at my grandma's with my aunt and of course, my grandma. Two. Weeks. Without my dad. My birthday. My dad was not for my twelfth birthday. I could still talk to my friends, in a moderated and sophisticated way, which was so not my usual self. No one knew, and if they did, there was no way of knowing.

My birthday. I felt and looked like crap. I did. Everyone who knows me, knows that when i feel really bad, I look like crap. For my birthday, everyone came, everyone from my classroom. Even Heath. I felt so relieved to see him. And I realized how much i really loved him. He hugged me, i hugged him. No one actually cared that i looked horrible. No one. So my birthday wasn't as bad as i would have thought. I was missing two single things. My mom and my dad.

Two weeks after that, my graduation was coming. It is awesome how we did a big graduation for each grade no matter what. We were going on a field trip to a beach for a week, and i did not get to go. My dad was released, but time hasn't healed my wounds. Most of my friends think i have been lying. And that makes me mad because i am not lying. I had to move, or else we were going to be killed. I could still talk with my phone with them, but it was not the same. My other best friend, Ivanna Styles (yeah, that is her name) talked to me and stuff, but i still felt distant......

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