Chapter 26

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I woke up and no one was home. I went once again to Liam's. I would not give up on him. Too many people have given up on me and I have a well. But not Liam.
I knocked and Gus opened again. "Is he mad again?" "No, come in, he's in his room" "okay". I went up the stairs and knocked on Liam's room. I got a folded page out of my pocket in put it in front of the door. I had written it. Here it is.
Read aloud, it said. Suddenly, he began reading. "Liam, yesterday you told me that you hated me. You hurt me, I thought we were friends, you left me with a broken heart.
A broken heart that has healed overnight.
Too many people have given up on me, and I have as well.
But I won't give up on you, and hope you don't give up on me. We are friends Liam! And I love you! Maybe you and Rick both like me, but I know you guys understand I just can't hold a relationship for now. I know you really don't hate me. You were just mad, and it's okay if you don't want to tell me. I understand. Oh, and also, I'm bipolar Liam. That's why I'm so difficult and people has given up on me, almost no one knows it.
Yes Liam, I'm a bipolar girl.
Come out of your room, I'll be waiting in the hall" tears filled my eyes, and he opened the door. There I was, crying in front of him, and I noticed he was crying as well.
He hugged me and I hugged him back. "Em, I really don't care if you're bipolar. I won't give up on you" he whispered. We separated and he grabbed me by my shoulders.
"But I believe you have to tell Rick" he said and handed me his phone. I nodded and dialed Rick's phone number. He answered "Liam? Hey there!" "Not Liam" I said. "Oh, hi Em. What's up?" I began sobbing again. I didn't think I could tell him. No one knows. Only Liam does....
"What's wrong? Do you need me to go? Nevermind. I'll just go" he hung up and I broke into tears again. Liam put his arm around my shoulder and them started rubbing my back gently with his hand. "What did he say?" He asked softly "he's coming" "okay" he said.

An hour later, Rick knocked the door, Liam went over to answer. "Stay here, I'll go" he said, and I stayed where I was. I was sobbing and leaned on the wall, and slid down until I was sitting down.
I heard them talk "where is she?" Rick asked "what happened?" Another voice asked "shut up Heath"said Rick, oh no.... "Come on, and be careful with her" Liam said.
I heard them go up the stairs and I tried wiping my tears with the sleeve of my hoodie. I had a hoodie that had the Ghostbusters logo. I love it.
I saw Rick first and broke into tears again, then turned so he would face my back. He sat down in front of me, crossed his legs in a lotto-flower-way and lifted me by my chin. "What did you have to tell me Em?" I just sobbed and sobbed and never said a word.i opened my eyes and saw Heath sitting next to Rick. Anger filled me.

"What the hell are you doing here" I asked harshly "I care about you Em" I was no longer crying. "In what way? Caring to break my heart again and say, again that you still care about me?" "No, Em, I'm just worried. You said we could be friends" "yeah, I said. But am I saying it now? No I'm not, you don't care anyways. Rick brought you just because. "No, actually, Heath has something to say as well" Rick said. "Hmm, uh-huh, well whatever just say it" I looked at Heath, waiting for him to open his mouth. "Well, Em. I have to say that I'm really sorry. I regret ever hurting you, and the only thing I want for now, is for us to have a good friendship, okay? Even though I still love you, I will understand that you do not want to date me ever again, so can we please be friends again?" He asked, putting those sad puppy eyes I once loved.
I smiled and cried again "yes Heath, let's be friends. I forgive you, because I know you mean this apology with tour heart" I hugged him and he hugged me back.
This was weird, because I began laughing "who'd say my kindergarten friend would hurt me so much and we would still be friends?" I said. I pulled apart and cleared my throat. "Rick, Heath. You've known me for about nine or ten years. It's about time I tell you" I said, cleared my throat, and wiped my tears.
"The reason why I'm difficult, and the reason lots of people have given up on me, is because-" I broke into tears again, not being able to finish my sentence.
Liam spoke up. "Em is a bipolar girl. You must've noticed that when you first arrived, she was crying, then she was mad, then she was happy, and now she's crying all over again. I already promised I'm not giving up on her, and I think you guys might need to as well" I looked up at the three handsome guys that were worried about me and smiled miserably.

Heath kneeled down "I have not given up on you, never. And I promise I won't ever" he hugged me and I grabbed him by his strong shoulders "thanks" I said, he smiled and held me up. I was still holding his hands when Rick cleared his throat "um, not to be mean or anything, but this seems so cliché, and, well. No, I won't give up on you as long as I live" he said and kissed my cheek I hugged him and had to stand on my tip toes so I could hug him by his neck. Why are they so tall? Then I proceeded to hug Liam the same way, and thanked him, then I just cupped Heath's cheek and thanked him.
Then we all did a group hug. "Okay guys, I'm being squished by three handsome and tall guys, which means that I'm not visible. All I can see is your faces guys" "uh, what's going on in here? Where is Em?" That was Gus.

I laughed and raised my hand "maybe you are able to see the tip of my middle finger, I swear all of my fingers are up though. We are having a group hug, want to join?" I looked above me and saw the faces of the guys shoot to Gus's direction "uh, yeah. But why are we doing this?" Rick covered my ears and I think Liam told him everything. I don't like to think I am bipolar.
"Aw, but there's nothing wrong with it Em! It's just a swing of moods, nothing wrong" Gus said. "I'm smiling okay?" "And I won't give up on you either" he said "still smiling" I said, them saw his face above me. He was taller than the other guys.
I smiled and waved my hand "guys? Can I be released now?" They all chuckled and let me free. "I like your hoodie" said Gus "me too" said Liam "I've always liked her hoodies and sweatshirts" said Heath "she designs them" said Rick "and she's so creative" he finished. "Aw, come on guys, stop lifting up my mood, I'm not a severe bipolar. It's kind of light" they smiled and looked at me.
"I love you Em".

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