Chapter 24

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So yeah, we went on the boat to the lake or sea, I still have no idea what it really is.
It was amazing!!!.
My brother and my cousin Ethan, were having fun in the front of the boat, my parents and my uncle were socializing in the middle and I was study with stuck-up Caleb.
So fun. It would have been fun if it wasn't for him being so boring.
It was so cool! We even saw sea lions! (I think I put a picture of them above.)
When we took him back home, I asked him if he had fun and he said this.
"No, it was boring. I was too bored, I regret going with you guys, I even slept a while"
Bruh. That. Was. Rude.
And you know what was rude as well?
Caleb doesn't know Ethan too well because Caleb's Family isn't as social with us.
But Caleb did not need to blurt this out. Let me tell you. That was even more rude.
So we were at VONS again. And Ethan was walking behind Caleb and me. "So, Caleb, are you having fun socializing and hanging out with your family?" I asked and nudged him. Me shook his head "no I'm not having fun. I don't like Ethan". Suddenly I turned to Ethan and I can't really tell if what was showing in his face was hatred or pain, but I guess it was one of those. I hit his arm (Caleb's) "Caleb! Bruh! How could you say such thing? Apologize. Now" I was mad and was bossy then, "no, I mean. I don't know him" "exactly. Because you don't know him, you don't have he right to tell him you don't like him" I said and Ethan walked away.
He is like, two or three years older than me, like sixteen or fifteen years old. Maybe even more, but he's nice.
I don't really spend much time with him, that's my brother, but I know we used to be beasties back when we were little. Or that's what my mom told me...
Caleb never apologized and I guess there was some kind of hatred, or tension between those two guys. Good thing we left Caleb.
I don't live where they live, I live in BH, and they don't. They live in Santa Barbara.
So yeah.
I was sleeping at Ethan's parents' house.
Ethan has a sister named Pris. She is nice as well.
We went to Baskin Robbins and she bought us ice cream. I totally forgot to thank her.
I have such good manners.
Anyways, I am going to sleep, bye bye.

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