[1] Aithusa ♢ "Do you know how to hunt?"

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In an attempt to avoid any contact with Camelot after the war, Merlin stumbles upon white scales of nostalgia, who he convinces to stay by his side during his isolation.

Merlin's P.O.V.

I felt and heard the crunch of the dead, dried up leaves under my mud-stained boots with every step. It took a while to care, but I soon realized that it was somewhere around midnight and I hadn't set camp. The night was freezing and I would've been surprised I didn't notice my shivering sooner if I hadn't been conscious of that day's previous events. Arthur was gone and I knew I wouldn't be able to face Gwen like this, not when I'm completely and utterly destroyed over how useless I was to do as I was told and protect Arthur. I had done what I was told was my destiny, but even if those facts weren't there, I'm sure I would still protect him for all those years over and over again. If only they had told me my full destiny, then maybe I wouldn't be feeling this horrible, or would I? I honestly didn't know, nor did I care at the moment as I focused on searching for shelter.

The Gods may have given me some mercy that night because as soon as I began feeling my legs giving out, I came across a small cave. It was small in comparison to other caves I've seen, but it was bigger than the cave of the Disir and that was enough for survival. I was hungry, but it wouldn't be wise to hunt without knowing how to fully do it and not getting counter attacked by a random bear. I made it in deep enough into the cave to light up a small fire without it being spotted from outside, muttering a quick spell so it would stay lit and on the same spot for the rest of the night before laying down on the cold stone, too tired to actually reach into my bag and take out some warm sheets.

That night, I woke up earlier than expected, right before dawn. The cause of my sudden awakening was what appeared to be some kind of whining noises inside the cave. I quickly put out the fire and searched deeper into the cave, after throwing on my bag. The whining began so subside into small whimpers, similar to a crying dog. I could hear it in my range, but not wanting to bump into it and make it notice me, my eyes turned gold and my sight switched to an almost vision in the dark. I almost gasped at the sight of Aithusa, Morgana's small white dragon, but I hadn't decided if I wanted to approach her or not, seeing as the creature was still asleep and seemed to be having a nightmare. The pang of guilt in my chest got the better of me and I sighed, taking out a small torch and lighting it up before switching my vision back to normal. As my eyes readjusted, the dragon stirred in her sleep, very slowly waking up. So slowly, she took a second or two to jump away from me when I tried comforting her in a close range.

A loud, very premature roar echoed throughout the cave and into my ear drums painfully, startling me just the slightest as I wasn't very used to dragon's roaring instead of actually speaking English. "...It's fine, Aithusa..." I tried reassuring in a low tone, barely even a whisper, but I was sure she heard me. "I mean you no harm, I promise.." but she was having none of it. I'm sure that if Aithusa were human, her furious expression wouldn't be any different. I had taken away the only one who showed this creature any kindness and she knew it. Her glares screamed she wanted revenge, but in the end, she'd be too innocent to commit such an act. "Look, I know what I did was wrong in so many ways, but I had to. You are aware of what she was doing and you know many innocent people died for something unworthy of them." Aithusa's eyes softened just the slightest, but remained cautious. "It was the only way to stop it as I had failed to simply convince her otherwise, in a peaceful way." I paused, mouth opening, but no sound coming out, much to the dragon's curiousity. "I... I made her feel alone and she turned to the only side she thought she could rely on, and I do not blame her for it, so I deserve all that you imagine I deserve." I told her, words slipping as if I were confessing my sins to the Triple Goddess. "I also know I've used magic to scare you off many times and believe me, it doesn't feel as satisfyingly powerful as I thought it would." I sighed, "My point is, we're both alone, you're a young dragon and as a dragonlord, I feel it is my duty to protect you. It's alright if you wish to punish me for my actions, but could you maybe wait until you're a bit older and can survive on your own?" I didn't see it but I could imagine the female purse her lips in frustrated indecision, still untrustworthy of my words. "If it makes you feel any better, I won't be heading to Camelot any time soon and you have the right to attack or leave any--Agh!" I was barely able to, but I dodged the swift ball of fire headed my way from the dragon's mouth. "What the bloody hell, Aithusa, I barely dodged that!" I defended, but was only met with a stubborn huff of smoke through her nostrils and firm paws set upon the cave ground. I couldn't help the small smile that played on my lips as I already knew of the younger's answer. "Do you know how to hunt?"

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