[4] Merlin ♢ Wolf [Part 2]

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Where Morgana captures Merlin once realizing how much he's ruined her plans and forces him to turn into a wolf both physically and mentally.



I am quite obsessed with this character as you can see, if there's any ideas you guys would like to lend me for other character imagines, that'd be great. I promise to make it happen.

♢P.S.♢ Another warning; long AF.

It was raining, dark sky matching the actions on a young boy's claws. True, he wasn't a boy anymore, but his soul was still young and he didn't wish to carry the weight of the droplets of sin on his furr. It wasn't his fault, but he didn't see that. His heart, that was accused of not existing anymore, ached to either end everything or go back in time. He no longer had hope for a brighter future and figured, 'this is how my sacrifice is meant to be portrayed in history?' It's not how he thought he'd die for the Once And Future King, but he'd take it, as long as it ended now. He walked aimlessly through the dark and cold forest, hoping to eventually fall of a random cliff, but he never stumbled upon it. He ignored all of his senses, the smell of a wolf pack and blood, the perfect vision of the leaves under him, the sound of loud whining-- no, wait, he's not ignoring that one.

It sounded like a young wolf, most likely injured, but still being attacked, judging from the occasional growls and barks. Merlin may have a death wish, but he still wouldn't let someone or something else go with him while he still had a say in it, and certainly not a young, defenseless wolf. He sprinted towards the source of the sound quickly, desperate to find something worth making him feel deserving of an ending, but as soon as he got there, he was almost tackled by a pack of 7-10 wolves. They surrounded a small, clearly bleeding, gray wolf and if Merlin understood correctly, they planned to eat the poor kid. In horror, Merlin barked loudly, startling the pack with how much louder it was from their own, as if he were screaming at them, calling them imbeciles for trying to kill such a young wolf in the pack. They probably didn't get the message fully because they only barked back, higher-pitched barks giving away their fear. Confident, Merlin stepped forwards and growled long and deep, showing his sharper fangs as he got closer. One wolf, presumably the alpha, barked once and ran back, signaling towards their betas to go, in knowledge of how many could actually survive in a fight between the unnaturally big wolf and 7-10 of the gray ones.

After confirming they were far away enough, he let his posture soften and relax before turning back to the quietly whining wolf, who tried to move away, but seemed to have most of its legs bloodied. It looked like it had been a while ago, judging by all the blood pilled up around it--well, her, Merlin corrected himself respectfully. He observed the wounds, finding the female's legs covered in mostly thorns, but she looked like she had been bitten everywhere by the wolves already. So, though with tired lids, he leaned down towards the legs that tried flinching away, but would only make the injured wolf whine in pain. Merlin bared his teeth, though careful to not use his fangs as he reached down and very slowly took ahold of the thorn before he yanked it out. The gray wolf yelped, kicking its legs painfully at Merlin, who ignored her and simply growled every time she resisted, which was a lot, until she eventually figured there was nothing she could do to make him stop. By sunset, he was still pulling out a few, which meant he'd have to get the food in the dark, all alone. If it were up to him, he'd put up with the hunger until morning, but the female was injured and was probably used to at least two meals a day, so to sleep in peace, he brought back three rabbits, hoping it was enough for the wolf's standards.

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