[9] Merlin ◇ Happiness

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[REQUEST BY: @Rene_is_siren]

Merlin is warm and comfortable as long as he's touching the right skin

The name will still be Robin, like in the last xReader, but Robin is specifically female in this one, as requested.

Today was rainy day, one so damp and uncomfortable to be running around the castle for. Yet the familiar mop of raven still managed to run up the flight of stairs to your room and smile as if he hadn't just almost hyperventilated his way up there. You laughed at this and quickly ushered him inside with the tray of food he'd brought as an excuse to be allowed in. "I can't believe you, how do you always get away with this?" You asked in amusement, hands instinctively intertwining with his.

"Your brother loves me too much to fire me," he replied honestly, gently bringing you closer to him so you were both touching chests. "And Gwen is distracting him for me as well."

"They're getting awfully close, aren't they?" You raise an eyebrow, a playful grin matching his as you run your hands up his arms and over his shoulders.

"I know, a royal and a servant? Scandalous." The raven joked sarcastically right before he joined lips with yours. Smiling, you pulled him closer and deepened the kiss while also guiding him towards your bed, where you lied on your back and he hovered over you. Despite the suggestive act, when Merlin kissed your neck, it was gentle and innocent. He was positioned in between your legs and touched your thighs in a way that made you melt, but his lips were a clear indicator that there was a line he wasn't crossing today. "Robin," he called against your collarbone, making you hum in acknowledgement despite being in a dowsy trace. Your fingers had long ago made themselves useful in Merlin's dark locks, stilling momentarily to pay full attention to the servant's voice now. "What if I told you Arthur was currently being scolded by Uther for 'spilling wine' all over one of your dresses."

At that, you looked down at him with wide eyes, a disbelieving grin plastered onto your mouth. "No,"

"Yes" he laughed, burying his shit-eating grin in your neck.

"I can't believe you- he'll kill you. I swear, he will this time!" You warned, but couldn't help laughing along with him as you threw your head back onto the sheets.

"Nah," he shrugged confidently as he pulled you close to nuzzle your neck. "It'd be really dangerous if he were to walk in on us like this, though."

"Don't say it or it'll come true and we'd both be screwed." You chuckle warningly.

Merlin raised a humorous eyebrow, "really? Most people would think you'd be the one that'd be screw- ow!" He cried with a laugh as he rubbed his sore shoulder from your palm.

"You're so disgusting!" You whined, playfully disturbed as you shoved him off of you and to your side. "I can't believe you!" You hit him again, gentler now that you couldn't hold back the grin on your face.

You calmed the fit of giggles you both had going on after while and just held each other for a while in silence. You had before and could once again fall asleep in each others arms only to start laughing the moment you wake up, but it was past sunset already. He had dragged on his stay for longer than he had noticed, and soon he found himself kissing the top of your head gently. "I think I better get going," he said, making you whine and tighten your hold on his shirt. "Robin, it's dark out. I need to feed the royal prat before he starves himself to death."

"Noooo.." you complained childishly against his chest, making him chuckle.

"I'll be back tomorrow and I'll see you at dinner later," he tried to reassure, but you only deflated at that.

"Yes, while you pour us wine and I try not to roll my eyes at father." You smile sarcastically up at his frame. At that, Merlin reaches up to flick your forehead, much like an older brother would to scold you. "Ow! What was that for?"

"For complaining about my work," he scolded. "It's how we met, be grateful."

You sighed stubbornly as you held him close in a tight grip, "still not leaving,"

"Arthur's going to beat me out anyways." Merlin tries to counter.

"So?" Bewildered and offended, Merlin gapes, ready to flick your forehead a second time. "Don't worry, don't worry, I will protect you." You pat on his chest comfortingly.


Both your eyes widened at the familiar call from the distant halls. "Fuck," Merlin muttered before getting up and gathering his jacket & now empty tray of food. Following his plan, you let him gather himself before you forced him to slow down by holding him still by the ends of his jacket. "Robin, I have to-"

Before he could finish, you cut him off with a deep kiss that would garantee him forgetting what he was going to say in the first place. "Come back tomorrow, as soon as you can." You told him as soon as you pulled away. As if enchanted, Merlin slowly fluttered his eyes back to reality.

"I will," he said as soon as he regained his posture, making you grin deviously. "Promise."

You nodded confidently, "good, I'll be waiting." Then you both smiled and for a moment, shared warm gazes. That was until Merlin's name was being called again through the echoes of a much nearer hall, startling you both enough to snap out of your little day dream.

You hurried him out of your chamber and pecked his lips one last time, giggles and all, before closing the door and hearing a very angry royal start to scold and bicker with the raven boy that made your heart flutter.

This is a small drabble because there wasn't any requested details and I admit I didn't know how to go about it.

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