[4] Merlin ♢ Wolf [Part 1]

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Where Morgana captures Merlin once realizing how much he's ruined her plans and forces him to turn into a wolf both physically and mentally.



I am quite obsessed with this character as you can see, if there's any ideas you guys would like to lend me for other character imagines, that'd be great. I promise to make it happen.

♢P.S.♢ Another warning; long AF.

"Wake up, Merlin, it's almost morning~" The raven's eyes fluttered open, but as his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, his frown grew, remembering where he was. "Oh no, don't give me that face, you're leaving today, after all!" He kept his lips shut, ready to face whatever end the priestess had planned for him. The woman walked away from him momentarily to reach for a small potion behind her, signature smirk visible once she turns to him again. "Don't be so accepting, this won't kill you." Of course, it won't. "It will turn you into nothing but a wild animal, and don't you worry because your sanity will stick around long enough to watch itself disappear into a bottomless pit of worthlessness." Morgana only snickered as the male began to sweat nervously, but his eyes showed only confidance and anger. "I thought a wolf would look beautifully on you. I mean, it's the least I could do." She shrugged, "after all, your loyalty and humanity will no longer exist and you will start to only live by instinct- to eat, sleep, reproduce and die. And like a true beast, you will hunt whatever lays in your path."

Merlin felt his brain maulfunction at her words, his surroundings fading to darkness as the witch kept on rambling about how miserable he'll be on his way to becoming a wolf completely. But she was wrong, animals weren't mindless killers, they weren't beasts. She should know better than anyone else how caring animals can be, what with Aithusa at her side. They might not have the urge to find something to live for like humans do, but they don't all kill everything just for the heck of it. Not unless... "this won't be a regular wolf, will it?" Merlin is finally able to grit out, wincing as he moved his sore jaw to talk.

The priestess paused, smirk only spreading in delight. "My, you're a lot clever than Arthur gives you credit for." She praises, fingertip brushing over pale cheekbones that flinch away almost immediately at her touch. Unamused by Merlin's dull indifference, she resumes to the topic. "Yes, it will be a bit different to regular wolves. This one is a lot larger and originally hostile towards everything but its own pack --sometimes." Morgana only chuckles, knowing all the pain that lies ahead of this, bringing her hand up to cup Merlin's face with one hand while the other held an open bottle of the blue and black liquid that was supposed to be the potion.

Merlin tried to shut his mouth and turn away from the bottle, but with a quick spell muttered under the witch's breath, he was left unable to move his head from the position Morgana left it in. It tasted absolutely awful, contrary to its chocolatey smell, making Merlin gag multiple times, but under Morgana's control, he was forced to swallow it.

At first he didn't feel anything except the bitter taste of goo in his tongue while Morgana sat away on a chair in a corner of the room, waiting patiently for Merlin to make a noise. It only took a few minutes for the warlock begin to feel odd, blood running cold on his limbs for a few seconds before it hits him. He tensed his abdomen and grunted lowly as he felt his stomach turn upside down, arms and legs twitching as his whole body felt like it was shrinking. He clenched his teeth and fists to avoid screaming out, but a low groan managed to escape. He couldn't focus on Morgana's intrigued figure as he felt his skull throbbing and pushing his brain to a smaller size. The pain grew and grew until his blood had flooded his eyes too much to see and he couldn't hold back the screams. He shouted curses at Morgana, calling her every ungodly insult he could think of for how easily she had turned herself to the darker side of magic countless times- up until he couldn't even pronounce words anymore. After an hour, he stopped screaming for a milisecond and gasped suddenly, feeling everything around him spin when he heard the first, loud 'crack!'. Then he screamed again in utter agony as loud as he could, hurting his already aching lugs that felt like they were being squeezed out of air. The pain was too much for him after another hour, his stomach forcing all the acids to come up and spill on the already bloodied floor. Merlin didn't know what was happening to him anymore, just that it hurt and he didn't know when it would stop, not even how he'll be able to withstand this any longer.

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