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"No! Fucking hell did anyone train you to do your job? This is supposed to go here," JJ was ordering many people around. He was so content on making this the party of the year. I didn't blame him, this is what he'd been dreaming of for a while, he deserved everything to be perfect. I looked around the living room. It was only the workers, Jide, Harry, and I. Speaking of  Harry, he was coolly sitting down on the couch looking very nice in a plaid button up and tight jeans. I walked over to him with a smile.
"Hey Harry. How's it going," I gave him a small hug, if Simon was around he would've been upset by the length of it.
"All is good bubs," he said softly.
"This party is going to be such a banger," I needed to sound normal, this wasn't my night so the least I could do is go along with everything. He still heard the shakiness in my voice.
"If something happens that you don't like just let me know Vikk.. I want to take care of you," he seductively whispered the last part into my ear. A shiver went down my spine. He placed his hand on top of mine.
"Thanks Harry," was all I could muster up before JJ called to me.
"Vikk! Where do you think the speakers should go?" We snapped back into our original places.
"I'd say one right here and the other a little over there," two men hauled the speakers perfectly into place.
"Vikk please wear something other than a sidemen shirt and joggers," Josh said eyeing me up and down. Typical mom of the group.
"For fucks sake," I knew this was a special occasion, so I guess I'll dress up a little.
I didn't bother with gel today, the one thing that would be a wreck was my hair. I wrapped my towel around me tighter as I exited the bathroom. Walking into my room, I saw Simon sitting on my bed scrolling with his thumb.
"Hey cutie," he said acknowledging my presence.
"Can- can I change please?" My voice came out like a small scratch.
"Yea go ahead, today you have an audience," he was smirking widely. My cheeks were burning but I let him stay.
I picked out a nice enough shirt and some black jeans. This will have to do. Simon was still eyeing me like a hawk. I lowered my towel down and grabbed for a pair of boxers. After that dramatic event I dropped the towel entirely and started to get changed. My pants were on as he came up behind me. Slowly he caressed my ribs. His slender fingers touching every visible bone.
"Vikk I shouldn't be able to do this.. Aw you're so skinny it's not good," I pulled my shirt down and ignored him.
"Can this day not be about me? Can we just enjoy ourselves?" He nodded and pulled me into a tight hug. Not a years worth of preparation could ready me for the shit show that was waiting to come.
"KS-I, yes. I'm an all nighter.I don't like rest. Nothing on me at my best. Selena Gomez she got a nice...Twenty-Four-Seven I aim for the heavens.Even when I was eleven. Heaven was finding the seven minutes alone in my bedroom."
Everyone was having a nostalgic moment when Sway was blaring from the speakers. JJ was so into it, he always knew how to put on a show. As that was going on I went into the kitchen. Simon was laughing a lot with Jesse, Ethan was taking shots and the party was going rather smoothly. I hadn't had anything to drink yet but already some people were on the fine line of complete intoxication. Looking around the house I saw many familiar faces. Both Cals, Deji, Lewis, Joe, and so on. I was doing a good job by keeping to myself, well until Harry approached me, he had some crazy strong vodka. This wasn't going to end well. I was an extreme light weight when it came to alcohol.
"Harry.. You know I hate vodka," he nodded.
"Yea but you look so tense over here, I'm trying to loosen you up Star," Indication one that Harry was kinda tipsy, he called me star. That's a drunk Harry thing to do.
I knew he hated drinking alone, so I guess this time I would be his drinking buddy. I simpler nodded, a triumphant sigh could be heard as he bar tendered for us.Harry poured the shots out like a pro. I sniffed the cup, at least it smelled semi-fruity, how bad could it be?
"Cheers," he said clinking our small glasses together. The liquid burned as it entered my mouth, I swallowed it because I'm not a pussy.
"Oh Star," Harry slurred, "We are just getting started."
Minute by minute I continued ruining my calm composure with toxins. It started out slow like every other drunk progression. Everything was kinda fuzzy until about our 6th shot. We were being extremely loud and we had attracted a crowd. Now we were just seeing who could chug the most shots. I was slightly behind so I just grabbed the bottle and took 3 big gulps.
People were cheering for me, my happy moment was overshadowed by me stumbling over to the sink. Josh helped me empty my stomach and I turned to the crowd and raised my hands.
"TODAY IS A GOOD DAY!" I yelled falling into Josh's arms. Everyone cheered again. The crowd began to go back to standard partying. JJ yelled over to one of the workers. A large cake with JJ's face was wheeled out. People were making super sentimental speeches about him. I stole the spot light for a second.
"This boy," I slurred holding myself up against  bodies, "was the best things to happen to the Sidemen. I love him so fucking much . Thank you for changing my life," I tried to sound smart for the moment. People were cutting into the cake, cake and alcohol were the best in my opinion. But due to my upset stomach I wasn't really fancying the combination at the moment. I went into the living room and took a seat on the couch. I felt someone slip a cold beer into my hands. I look up and see Simon. Gosh, maybe it's the alcohol talking, but he looked so fucking amazing. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I nibbled on his earlobe as I whispered profanities.
"You're so sexy Simon, I can't help myself."
"Vik-kk there's people here," he slide out of my grasp. He was a little more sober than me, but still fucked up.
"Then take me upstairs..." I paused and looked into his eyes, "And destroy me."
He took that as a challenge. Smirking he picked me up so my body was over his shoulder. I was giggling like a 5 year old. I couldn't stop my drunk self from flailing my body in an attempt to make Simon struggle.
"I'm just going to put Vikk to bed," he said explaining the situation to some onlookers. We went into Simon's room. He lightly tossed me on the bed. I slithered to the center of it. Our lips came into contact. The kiss was hot and lustful, nothing like our first one. We pulled apart soon apart. I took the initiative to rip my top and pants off. Simon followed perfectly in suit. He kissed down my stomach and up to my collarbone. He once again leaned in, taking complete control this time. His tongue made its way past my teeth and explored my mouth. He disconnected.
"We don't have to do this Vikk."
"I need this."
"Alright ready?" I had just finished prepping Vikks tight ass. He nodded holding onto the sheets, making his knuckles white. I pushed in forcefully. He moaned in pure pleasure.
"Shut up Vikk someone's going to hear us," I yelled causing him to bite onto a nearby pillow.
My thrusts were perfectly timed with Vikks hips. After a few more powerful thrusts his legs were shaking and tears were streaming from his face. I ignored it and continued slamming into the small boy. His unsteady moans made me so hard.
"Fuck me harder Si!" He yelled making me want to come sooner.
"Yes! Awh! Daddy right there," Vikk moaned. Daddy? I'd have to bring that back up later.
Continuously I slammed into Vikks prostate.
"Fuck baby you're so tight!"
"Daddy can I cum?.. please!" He begged. Vikk was pleasuring himself, his face was bright red and his breathes were staggered.
"Yes baby cum with me, cum with me."
"Awh Simon!" Vikk was the first to cum all over the sheets. One last thrust and the condom I had on filled up. We both fell back on the bed content with the job we had completed.
"That was amazing.." Vikk whispered.
"I love you Vikk."
"I love you too Simon," we laid there for a bit. I checked the clock,
We had only been up here for about 45 minutes, and the party was still banging downstairs.
"Hey Vikk," he looked over at me.
"I'm going to change and go back downstairs.."
"Of course, the party isn't over. I'm going to change into some sweats and probably just go to bed. I'm more than done for tonight," he smiled. We both started to change back into our clothes.
"Okay if anyone asks..um I was changing my shirt," I said. He nodded, then pecked me on the cheek.
"I do really love you Si. I'm drunk but I know what I mean.."
"Me too Vikk." He exited the room first. I stayed back for a few minutes taking the sheets off my bed, it'd be gross go lay back in them later. I opened the door and was greeted by Harry.
"Hey Haz."
"Hey, um can I ask you something?" I tried to keep my composure.
"Um I trying to get back down to the party but sure.."
"What's up with you and Vikk?" Harry asked.
"Oh ya know, we are kind of fuck buddies. He's desperate as fuck, so I just go along with it. He's all depressed and shit so-"
I heard a little gasp behind Harry. I saw the cinnamon boy ran out of the area.
"Don't even lie Simon. We all knew you and Vikk had something going on. How could you say that?" Harry said with a disappointed look. "You just lied to make yourself look straight. Congrats, you can keep your heterosexual status. Damn Vikk doesn't deserve a cunt like you."
"Shut the fuck up," Harry pushed me back into my room.
"I should be with Vikk! You don't deserve him." The last thing I remember was Harry's fist coming in contact with my cheek and it was lights outs.
Word Count 1834
-Reposted because of some glitch-
This is the climax of the story.. Everything from here on out is written day to day instead of pre written. Um I really like this book so far and there's almost 1k reads on it so thank you guys so much. You guys make writing worth it <3 thank you for all your support, ilygsm

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