Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Is this ok?" I ask as I finish tying my blue lace romper around my neck.

"Huh. Bel- um. Yea-. That, that should work." Liam blushes, and I shake my head.

"Is it too much?" his eyes rake my body, then he shakes his head.

"We should get going." he reaches out for my hand, and I take his.

We walk to the restaurant, and I regret wearing heels. The walk was pretty long, and he was walking fast. Sadly I forgot to pack my emergency flats in my purse.

The waitress sits us down, and Liam won't stop looking at me. It's beginning to bother me. I shift uncomfortably in my seat as his stare gets more intense. He never breaks his stare as he orders a bottle of red wine. The waiter leaves, and he opens his mouth.

"You look beautiful." I can see a blush creep up on his cheeks, and I smile.

"Thank you, you look handsome." I wink at him. His blush grows darker.

"So you're single, right? Or are you still dating that Michael dude?" As I'm about to answer the waiter arrives, and serves us our wine. He leaves the bottle at our table then takes our orders, since I don't know the menu I let Liam order for me. The waiter writes everything down quickly then dismisses himself.

"Yes, I'm single." My voice is low. "Are you single? Or are you still engaged?"

"We broke off the engagement after I finished promo for the movie. I just didn't feel the same for her, and I didn't see the point of leading her on if I lost interest in our relationship. It wasn't fair, you know?" I nod at his words.

"Let's change the subject, how long are you going to be staying here for?" he says then takes a drink of his wine.

"I leased the house for six months, but I may just stay here for the rest of my life." I shrug.

"What about your contracts? Last I heard you had signed on for a movie with Chris Evan, and two fashion campaigns?" only he would bring up that right now. I shrug my shoulders again.

"I don't know. I don't know how I'm going to deal with all that. I just know that I want to be here right now. I'm at peace, and I haven't been at peace for years." my answer is sincere. I don't know how I'm going to deal with everything. Maybe I can call the creative directors, and arrange everything to be shot from here?

I see him talk, but I'm no longer hearing him. I'm wondering how I'm going to fix everything. Tomorrow first thing I'll call both creative directors, and see what can be done.

"Isabella?" Liam waves his hand in front of my face.

"Yes, I'm down." I say.

"Ok, then we can have sex when we get back to your place." I choke on my own saliva. He quickly gets up and pats my back.

"Sex? What? No. God no!" I can barely get the words out of my mouth since I can't stop coughing.

"Why not? It's not like I haven't seen you naked before Bella. Don't be shy." he winks.

"Um, it's not that I'm shy. It's that I'm. I haven't." I feel my cheeks begin to redden.

"Maybe we should change the subject then." he coughs. I get my glass of wine, and mentally thank him. "We should go to beach tomorrow. Well if you're up for it?" his tone is challenging. He knows I usually never back down from a challenge, but then again I don't see how this is a challenge?

We finish dinner, and he walks me back to my place. He points to his house along the way, and tells me how he knew I had I moved into the house. The way he just speaks to makes me feel good, he doesn't try to make me feel stupid like almost everyone in my family.

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