Chapter One

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Isabella's P.O.V


"Is it morning already?" I mumble as I turn off my alarm. I hate getting up this early, I turn around and see the only part of my morning that I love. Nathan. He's sleeping so peacefully. I wish I could stay and cuddle with him, but I have a promo day. I sit down looking at him.

Sometimes I wonder how in the world did I get someone like him? I'm not the prettiest girl, hell I'm definitely not skinny I'm a plus sized girl! I'm very lucky to have him in my life. Ever since we started dating 6 months ago my self esteem has gone up tremendously. He makes me feel sexy and confident. Funny how I never felt that way before until he came into my life.

I look at him one more time getting up smiling to myself. I walk over to the bathroom to shower.

Once out I walk, I go into my closet. I dread going to interviews, because the cameras always point out my flaws. Like for example my fat I have, my huge thighs, and not to mention my double chin. I hate when they question me about Nathan. They always show me video's and pictures of him with other girls. I never say anything why? Well because I love him and trust him, I know he won't cheat on me. Even though he could he chooses not to.

I look over my closet and chose and black knee length peplum dress, that I just got. It has a v neck line so it helps keeping the attention away from my stomach. I walk over to my mirror and sit down right in front of it. I start on my make-up I go light on the eyes and foundation, but bold on my lips with red lipstick. I decide to let my hair down in soft curls. I love to have my hair up but not in public, I'm very self conscious about my face. I quickly finish off by putting on deodorant and perfume. I pace over and put on my red heels, grab my black purse. I before I leave my place I check if Nathan is still sleeping, he is, so I make my way over to him and give him a kiss on his forehead.

"Babe I'll be back in a couple of hours alright" I whisper in his ear and gave him a light peck on his beautiful lips. I grab my phone off the nightstand and I'm out.

I thank the driver as he helps me out of the SUV. That's one thing I hate that I get a driver. I can drive myself to the interviews, but my agent thinks I need one for everything.

I see my PR/best friend Angie. Angie is like a sister to me, being an only child sucks thank god I have her by my side.

"Hey Bella, are you ready for today?" she asks giving me a hug "By the way you look great"

I smile at her compliment "Thank you, and I guess" I shrug.

"Come on Bella, you have to get used to this. You're an actress, camera's are always on you all the time."

She was right, I always have camera's on me. But I won't get used to all the attention.

"Yeah I know, I hate promo days. Too many questions, and it's too early for this." I laugh.

"You'll get used to it. Come on Bella first we have Enews then we go to VH1 to pre-record for the Big Morning Buzz, then The Hilton Hotel for more interviews with people from youtube, yahoo, etc. You get me?"

I sigh and roll my eyes at her. "Really I have to do these all today?"

"Bella, come on this movie is going to be huge!" she exclaims.

I give her a weak smile "Whatever come on lets go inside."

I walk into the set, two chairs are set in the middle and a huge poster of my latest movie in the middle of the chairs. I guess this is my life now, doing promo and talking about me and my character. I hear footsteps coming near me, I turn around and see Jason Kennedy.

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