Chapter Seven

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We both arrive back at the airport, and it’s finally time to head over to New York. I can’t wait for tomorrow. My first day there, plus I think I also meet Donatella and Alexander! I see Angie stare at me weirdly, and it’s starting to piss me off. She’s been staring all the damn drive, and the walk to the gate.

I don’t think I look odd. I’m just wearing my black leggings, pink off-the shoulder jumper. I’ve worn something similar to this before. As we board the plane I ask the flight attendant if I can get orange juice. I can’t function properly unless I have my glass of OJ. She nods and says she’ll bring it out as soon as she can. I thank her and take my seat in first class.

“Ok what’s up why are you looking at me like that.” I snap and turn to look at Angie.

“Well you haven’t said anything on how it was filming that part on the show?” she mumbles. I roll my eyes, that’s what she’s been wanting to know about?

“It was odd, and it felt good? I’m not used to these things, but I guess I have to get used to them.” I tell her and face the front of the plane.

“Can I ask you something.” I nod. “I know I asked you this, but how? I mean Nathan never even tried to get intimate with you?” I close my eyes and groan this is going to be a long as flight.

I step off the plane first then Angie, she hasn’t spoken to me since I told her everything that happened with my relationship with Nathan. All she did was nod, or shake her head. And I thank her for that, I didn’t need her smart comments on that aspect of my relationship.

Silently she follows behind me as I make my way to collect my suitcase. I see her stand next to me, but she doesn’t even look my way. Once we both get our suitcases we head towards the exit, I’m starting to feel uncomfortable, she’s never been this quiet with me. She always has something to say. I’m not used her not talking to me.

She starts to walk faster, and I try to keep up with her but she’s just too fast. When I do catch up with her, I’m out of breath.

“Ok what’s wrong, you’re never like this with me. Did I say or do something bad?” I ask after I’ve caught my breath.

“It’s nothing. I’m just shocked that you had to put up with so much from that bastard. Like you were never that girl who would even take half of the shit he did to you.” she shakes her head in disbelief. And I have to agree with her. I was never the type to take shit from anyone. But with him, I just did. I was afraid he would leave me, but he did anyway.

“Please don’t dwell on it, it’s over with. I’m done with all that. If I done with it, then you shouldn’t worry about that.” I flash her a reassuring smile. Angie nods, but I can still see she won’t let it go.

We arrive at our hotel, and this time she’s booked two rooms. I do wish she hadn’t though, I don’t want to be alone. After telling her everything all I can do is think of it.

Think of how I saw Ariana with his shirt on, on how he didn’t even try to lie, well he really couldn’t, but still. I just wished everything would’ve been differently.

She quickly goes in her room, and doesn’t even say good night. I slowly walk to my room, and call it a night. Tomorrow is a big day and I can’t wait. My first ever Fashion Week.

All I can hear his knocking, but I’m not sure if it’s in my dream or it’s actually happening. I think it’s in my dream. Wait no it’s too real.

“Bella wake up!” I sit up, groan. “Bella!”

“I’m going!” I shout. I get up and and drag myself to open the door.

“Bella what the hell, you only have three hours to get ready for the first show.” She rushes past me followed by the dream team. I roll my eyes. How did I not set an alarm.

Three hours later I’m ready and I’m just looking at myself in the mirror, this is not me. The dress is just so… God I love this dress. I’ve never worn something so beautiful.

“This was personally picked and sent by Donatella Versace. It’s a Diamante Pencil Dress.” My stylist says. I smile at him, he grip my shoulders. “You look stunning. This dress fits you perfectly, the way it hugs your curves. God Bella if I were straight I would totally hit on you.” He laughs, and I join him. If he’s saying this, then I must look good.

“Ok, come on lets go we’re running ten minutes late Bella.” Angie grabs my arm and drags me out of the room.

“God give me a fucking break.” I breath as we make it to the elevator. “I could fall.” I push her slightly.

“Oh shut up, we’ll be attending two shows today. Versace and Alexander McQueen. So the dream team will be in your room when we get back for your second look.” she tells me as we step off the elevator. I quickly see paps and I want to run back up to my room. I don’t want to deal with this. Angie pulls me out, and I see a guy step in front of me, pushing the paps to the side so I can walk down to my car. I look at Angie and she mouths security. I nod and slide in the car.

“So you got me a guard, and he’s hot.” I whisper to Angie while looking at him.

“What’s your name?” I ask him, he turns to look at me, and smiles. Fuck he has a nice smile.

“Miles.” I nod

“I’m Bella, nice to meet you Miles.” His name is just so hot. Just like him.

“Miss. Lopez it’s a pleasure.” I need to hear him say my name. Like now!

“You can call me Bella.” I casually say.

“Bella.” Holy fuck! I want to hear him say it again.

“I like that.” Angie looks at me wide eyed, and I cover my mouth. Did I just say that out loud? I blush immediately. He smirks, and looks forward. I throw my head back, and close my eyes. I need to calm down. So many hot guys around me.

“Miss Lopez” Miles opens my door and helps me out, I frown and look up at him. Shit he’s so tall.

“Please call me Bella.” I tell him.

“Bella” He repeats my name, and smiles. “Ok Bella” I return the smile, and he closes the door after me.

“Come on Bella.” Angie shouts. My head snaps over to her and I glare at her. She motions me to walk towards the carpet. I hate these things, but hey it’s Fashion Week.

“So Nathan. What’s your current relationship with him?” Alicia questions. I take a deep breath and smile.“Umm, you know I’m not sure. I haven’t spoken to him since our breakup.” I say looking back towards Miles. Our eyes meet, and I blush. God he’s sexy as hell. I slowly turn away and continue with the interview.

Miles is in front of me as I walk into the building, I feel someone bump into me, and I’m pushed into Miles. He turns and glares at the person who bumped into me. I turn to see who it is, and I freeze. Miles steps between him and me, and I automatically hold onto him.

Nathan’s eyes snap to where I’m holding onto Miles, and he looks pissed. Super pissed.


AN: So I finished studying for tonight, and I had extra time to write :) But still don't think I'll be updating often. So.... How was this chapter guys? I added a new character perhaps he might be Bella's new love interest Idk yet let me know what ya think babes. Please vote, and comment ILYSM xxxx

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