The Project -Matt

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What have I done? Well it's obvious, I just beat up Jace.

"What is with that sour look?" Amy came up to me, "The bell rang a few minutes ago and I didn't see you move so I came to get you."

"I beat someone up." I mumble.

"You what?" she wraps her arm around me.

"I uh, didn't hear the bell. Thanks for coming to get me."

She tugged me away, saying something about how I should pay more attention.

I was out of it for my first two classes, especially gym, the teacher is the coach and he is still mad at me for quitting the team. I tried to explain that natural loss had taken my abilities but he didn't believe me. Until gym today that is.


"I'M SORRY COACH BUT I CAN'T!" with frustration I yell back

We were in our football unit. I couldn't defend, I couldn't block, I couldn't pass or catch. I hate not being athletic. It's not fair! Why did I have to lose sports! I one thing that was actually important to me!

The coach kept yelling at me to 'pass the ball' or 'stay on your feet.' The one that really hit me was when he shouted 'some team captain.' That one hurt, a lot. At least he said that just before the end out class. I could leave and not have to see him again until the next gym class. If I didn't decide to skip.

I was really angry and hurt about what the coach said and as I was walking to third hour, I spotted him. Jace looked shaken up and was slightly limping. I couldn't resist sneaking up on him.

I grab his shoulders, making him jump, "Jace!" I say in a sing-song voice.

"P-please leave me alone." He trembles.

"Such a cute accent, Jace. I want to hear more." I don't know why I was being so rude and teasing him like this. "Speak." I demand.

He stayed quiet so I slapped him across the face. He flinched; his face had a red mark where my hand hit. I grip his arms so tightly; my knuckles were turning white, "P-please stop. Matt you are hurting me" he squeaked.

"I got what I wanted" a released him and he ran.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I asked Amy when we sat down in the hard plastic desk chairs.

"Matt, there is nothing wrong with you." She sweetly coos.

"Yes, there is something wrong with me."

Class started shortly after. We are beginning a partner project. Mr. Sands is assigning the pairs. Going down the list he starts, "Nick and Rose. Jake and Amy. Matt and Jace. Brandon and Liana." He went on in his grumbled voice

The terror that was froze on Jace's face stung like hell. Move next to your parents and you'll get your next directions, is what we were told. Half the class stood up. I was one of them. The squeaking of chairs and chatter filled the room. I walk over to Jace and sit next to him. He stays quiet and flinches every time I move. Every shift in my seat, every stoke of my pen, he was cringe.

"You and your partner will be choosing a book to read, making a slideshow presentation as well as writing an essay on why this book was chosen and its importance to its time period. Once you deiced on a book call me over and tell me what it is so there are no repeats. This is a big project and will involve out of school work time. You will have some time today to research books and brainstorm." Conversation started up, Mr. Sands cleared his throat and added to his directions, "This project is due in two weeks." There was a groan throughout the classroom.

"So what book are you thinking about, for the project?" He remained silent, avoiding my gaze, "What book are you thinking about for the project Jace?" I spoke with a stern voice but still nothing, "Jace!" I grab his arm

"Don't touch me!" he slides his chair back, he still looked terrified. I don't blame him.

"Jace we have to work together."

"We, by Yevgeny Zamyatin" he says in a blank and serious tone.

I was shocked that he answered me, and that he knew so quickly, "What about-"


"But Jace" I whine.

"Mr. Sands?" He called the teacher over, "Would We be an exactable book?"

"Boys that is a great book choice. I will be looking forward to your project."

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