The Wedding Part 1-Jace

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I am screaming internally. He kissed my cheek! I just forgave him and he is already kissing me. The rest of class I could not pay attention. How could I? I couldn't wait until my birthday. I couldn't wait until my date with Matt.

"Papa! We need to get going! I DON'T WANT TO BE LATE!"

"Jace, it is only noon. We still have an hour before we have to leave."

I knew he was right yet I had been dressed for hours. I didn't get any sleep and I am overly nervous. I bought a new suit, my father rented one. I just couldn't wait. "Then can we drive around in the rental car?"

"Jace, go read a book, play a video game, listen to music, or do something. Once you are calm we will go. Okay?"

"Yes Papa."

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my crappy phone and looked at Matt's contact. He has followed the first condition that I gave him. He has been nicer but, I really don't know if I can trust him yet I am so eager to go on a date with him and the second condition that I gave him? 'It has to be like a real date' Freckled Jesus, what the heck is wrong with me? Think seemed to have flown by because my father entered the room.

"That wasn't so bad now was it?"

"No Papa. Are we leaving?"

My father fixes my tie and runs his hands through my hair, "I am going to get dressed then we will go."

The car ride was unbelievably slow, and when we pulled up the venue we sat there for a moment. My father looked a little pale.

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to."

"You sure you won't stay by me and help translate?"

"I am going to be with my friend and his sister. If you need anything I am just a phone call away. Then when the ceremony starts I'll be next to you translating. See you." I get out of the car.

Dragging my feet as I walk, I move through the brightly decorated church. Everything was pretty and cheerful. There were lots of people I didn't know but, I am guessing they were family and friends of Trix. I search for Matt but not really hard.

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