Nurse's Office -Jace

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Matt was talking bad about me again, so I asked him to not talking about me when I was right there. He beat me up. I was minding my own business walking to third block. He beat me up. He scares me! Now I have been partnered up with him for a huge project. Just my luck. As a little pay back, I am going to make him read a book that I have been wanted to read for ages. He put up a protest but I told Mr. Sands that we were reading We.

As soon as we walked out the door he started talking to me, "You want to come over to my house to start the reading?" Matt asks. He has acted as thought nothing has happened.

"No." I don't really want to be alone with him.

"We have to work together weather you want to or not."

"I know, but I am not going to rush over to your house as soon as we get assigned partners."

"Why not?"

"You know very well why!"

He pauses, realizing what I was talking about, "U-uh about that, I-I am sorry, I didn't mean..."

"No, don't I am stopping you right there. I don't want to hear your excuses. I will work with you on project but once it is over, just leave me alone."

I could see his anger build up in him, he punches me in the face. I am scared. I didn't know what to do. My right eye swelled up and tears formed in my left. There are still four more classes of the day but I feel sick. I want to go home and get as far away from Matt as I can.

I dash off to the nurses' office, "Nur-nurse Peter?"

"Yes- my dear god, boy, what are you doing back here so soon?"

"Well sir" I start

"Take a seat and don't lie to me" he takes out an antibiotic gauzes pad and cleans around my eye, lightly dabbing it.

"Someone, unprovoked, is using me as their human punching bag. He has always been mean, calling me names and spreading rumors about me. Today is the first time he has physically touched me."

"Can you tell me his name?"

I shook my head and let my head fall into my lap. When I did I felt a sharp pain shoot down my arms, "Nurse Peter, will you look at my arms?"

"I can but why?"

I remove my hoodie so I am sitting in a dark tank-top. This reveals a painful, yellowish green bruise in a handprint shape on both my arms, "I felt some pain" I whisper.

"Jesus! This guy means serious business." He carefully takes my arm into his long, slim, dark hands and examines them closely, "It's a bruise, I can't do anything but there look pretty nasty. Who did this?"

"He told me to speak." I sniff as tears roll down my cheeks.

"I think you should go home and rest. It seems like you have had a long day. I will write you went home sick pass. Which parent shall I call?"

"That would be father. He won't be able to pick me up. Will it be okay if I just walk home? I live a few blocks down in the apartments."

"Sure. Check in with me tomorrow morning when I get here. You will go right home won't Mr. Wilson."

"Yes, thank you some much Nurse Peter."

When I get home, I find my father sitting on our worn out couch. Ivan greets me by sniffing my legs then barking.

"Papa?" I go over to the matching chair and sit down, throwing my backpack next to me, "You're home early."

"A nurse, Peter, called me to leave a message; he said that you were feeling sick so he sent you home. I took the rest of the day off. How are you feeling now?"

"I feel a bit better, but I think I should lie down for a while."

He nods, giving me to okay. Then he informed me that he would be here and I should yell if I needed anything. So I retreat to my room. I want to change into some cooler clothes. I peal my shirt off and yank my pants down. Boxers and tank-top.

"He punched me in the stomach..." I mumble to myself, as a slowly pull my shirt off, A huge round bruise, swelling on the left side of my stomach. I became nauseated. It looked disgusting.

I run to the bathroom and puck. I made it to the sink but not much farther. I clean up the mess before hollering out the door, "I'm going to get in the shower" I don't wait for an answer I just get in the shower. I turn the water to down and soak.

What I fail to realize is my father had come into the bathroom and was talking to me so when I opened the shower curtain he was standing here.

"Didn't you hear me?"

I quickly wrap a towel around my shoulders covering my stomach as well, "No Papa. What is it?"

"A friend of yours is here. He says that he has some homework for you."

"I'll be down in a minute, I have to get dress." I return to my room and throw on some clothes and run to the door.

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