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**y/n's POV**

I got changed into my meeting uniform and waited for my brother to pick me up and drive us to the meeting. I grabbed a pomegranate and ate it as I waited. Soon Jett arrived and I climbed into the passenger seat in his car.

"Hey." I greet.

"Hey little sis." He says and side hugs me. I return the hug and look over at what he's wearing. He's wearing his uniform that is similar looking to mine. He had his usual bandage over his nose and his hair and all over the place as usual. I smiled.

Soon we arrived at the meeting building. I walked inside and once I entered the doorway I was attacked into a hug by Feliciano/Italy. I smiled and hugged him back.

"I missed you so much Bella." He said.

"I missed you too Feli." I said.

"Fratello, get off the idiota ragazza." Feli's older brother Lovino/Romano said. I chuckled.

"Nice to see you too Lovino." I said as I ruffled air but made sure to avoid his curl. He blushed. I sat in my seat at the meeting table and that just happened to be next to Gilbert.

"Ah, you made the awesome choice and sat next to the awesome me." He said and did his usual weird chuckle. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Then everyone sat down and we got to business. After talking about some important things we got to a different topic. Ludwig spoke.

"Otharia, you are having many terrorist attacks and a lot of us are worried about you. Have you had any symptoms?" He asked. I nodded.

"Headache, list of dead citizens. Etc." I said he nodded.

"Any specific citizen names appear?" He asks. I nodded.

"The president's daughter." I tell him. A lot of the country's eyes flash with concern.

"Well good luck. But in your free time train and speak with your boss and the president." He tells me and I nod. We then took a lunch break before we moved onto the next topic. As I was eating I got a phone call and I answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey y/n." I here Haruhi but I heard voices in the background so I guessed that she was in the host club room.

"How come you aren't at school?" She asked. I had to lie to her because she doesn't know that I'm a country and I can't say "oh you know, I just wasn't feeling like going to school today." I was about to answer when I heard Tamaki.

"Is that y/n. Oohhh put her on speaker phone." He said excitedly.

"Here you go." I heard Haruhi say and I guessed that her phone was now on speaker phone.

"Ok, so what was your question Haruhi?" I ask so they know what she asked.

"How come you aren't at school?" She asked again. I heard some noises of agreement on the other side of the phone. I fake coughed and answered.

"Oh sorry, I *cough* am sick." I answer. Alfred heard this and hurried over.

"You're sick?" He asked. I shushed him but he wouldn't shut up. I put my hand over his mouth.

"Oh hope you get better." Haruhi said.

"Are you going to be at school tomorrow y/n-chan?" Hunny asked. Alfred licked my hand. I removed my hand and gave him a disgusted looked and wiped my hand on his shirt.

"Yeah, I *cough* probably will be. Now don't worry *cough* guys. I gotta *cough* go. Bye." I say and they all say goodbye and I end the call. I look over at Alfred.

"Really Alfred?!" I say.

"What?" He asked.

"You licked me!" I say. He shrugged.

"You covered my mouth." He retorts. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"And no Alfred. I'm not actually sick. That was my friends at school and they wanted to know where I was. They don't know that I'm a country." I say. He nodded in understanding.
We returned to our seats. Ludwig looked at me.

"Y/n, because you aren't doing so well, Alfred will be coming to your school as well. That way if anything happens, he can help you because the others their won't understanding what's happening." He says. I look over at Alfred and raise an eyebrow.

"One question. Why Alfred?" I ask. "No offense Alfred. I just want to know." I add and Alfred smiles.

"Well Alfred won't attract as much attention like some of us would and he's one of the strongest."Ludwig says and I nod in understanding.

(Sorry it's really short. But I hope you liked it!)

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