My Brother in Shining Nose Bandage!

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I am so sorry for the wait!!!!


"The people of Otharia continued to build and form a community. As they did this, even though Jett and I thought of ourselves as brother and sister, I tricked him into thinking I would stay under his rule until my government was strong enough for me to go to war. We fought for three years and seven months until finally Australia surrendered and I had my independence. A few years later, Australia and I became allies despite our fight. Things were calm and then World War I started. My economy was severely weakened and many nations took advantage of this through World War II and afterwards. Many nations continue attacking me even now."

I was interrupted by a knock on the door of the Host Club room. Haruhi stands up and opens the door a bit to see who was outside.

"Jett?" My eyes go wide and I freeze, pretending I didn't hear the name as my hands clenched into fists. I bit my cheek as an anxious habit

"N/N!" Jett yelled happily once he saw me. He ran towards me and slid on the floor when he tried to stop in front of me. I avoided his gaze which only frustrated him. "I swear to god N/n, if you don't hear me out I will sick my Koala on you. I tried to keep myself from laughing. "Come on, you know you wanna laugh." He says as he leans down to try and meet my gaze but I move my head.

"Егер сіз күлімсіре алмасаңыз, мен бұл бұзақыларды анатомияға үйретіп, шалбарымды түсіремін." He added and I could not help my crack a smile and laughing.

"Дорк." I respond and a smile spreads across his lips. The hosts stare at both of us very confused.

"So Otharia, what's been going with you sister?" he asked.

"These dummkopfs asked me about my country and my ancestry."

"Well let's skedaddle." He responded. I laugh and stand up but Hikaru grabs my arm.

"Woah what the hell?" He says clearly confused and upset.

"What?" I asked.

"You are just leaving? You finally open up then he storms in and speaks some gibberish now you are leaving us? Didn't he betray you or some shit?" He asked. I turn to him and he lets go of my arm.

"No, he didn't betray me but I ended our alliance out of fear after being betrayed by Britain. He is my brother, my actual family. I can't just leave him behind." I explain and try to walk away. Hikaru attempts to stop me again but Tamaki stopped him. As I begin to exit the school with Jett, a question pops into my head.

"What made you want to come to Ouran and get me? How did you even know where to find me?" I asked.

"That one creepy dude that was staring at us and smirking called me and said "Come get your sister. If you don't become an ally with her, your little sister will be harmed." He said.

"Damn Kyoya really thought it through and made it sound like he was threatening to hurt Wy."

"Yeah it real scary. I almost shit myself." I laugh at him as we walk to my house.

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