What Are You Doing Here?

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"Lovino, Non ucciderlo ancora!" (Lovino, don't kill him yet.) I told him.

"Se dice un'altra parola..." (If he says another word...) Lovino responded.

"What the hell are you saying to her?" Tamaki, stupidly, decided to speak. Romano lost all of his manners and his conscience seemed to have gone on vacation as soon as those words had left the Host Club King's mouth.

"ASPIRARE IL MIO PALLE CHE OLTRE COCCOLATI BAGUETTE A MASTERBARSE FRANCESE!" Romano blew up. He grabbed Tamaki by the shoulders and kicked his leg up, to hit Tamaki where the sun don't shine. The blonde doubled over in pain, shocking the other host club members.

"Non toccare a me o a mio fratello o si dovranno affrontare l'ira dei miei baffi finti!" (Do not touch me or my brother, or you will face the wrath of my fake mustache and my grandpa!)

I silently chuckled at the last sentence, but stopped with the bell rang, signifying the end of lunch. I grabbed Romano and dragged him away from the scene, and to hide the tears falling from his eyes from the Host club. Romano may act tough and rude, and he may have a rough exterior, but being compared to Italy and being raised by the Roman Empire (who played favorites) has made him kind of sensitive. He also hates showing the weak side of himself. Today, just was not our day.

Eventually, Lovino and I had found ourselves at homeroom, the room we would be in for the next twenty five minutes until fifth period started. I hobbled into the room with the grumpy Italian by my side. I informed my homeroom monitor of Lovino being my company for today, then I sat down at my desk, which, luckily, had an empty desk next to it, so that Lovino could sit there.

The day carried out normally, with no more run ins with the host club. Finally, it was the end of the day. I exited eighth period with the Southern Italian following behind me, staring at his phone. I rolled my eyes at him as I slowly took my time on the staircase. I could hear his annoyance with how slow I was moving.
"You knew I was invalid. You should've expected me to move slow, dumbass." I joke.

He growled and slapped the back of my head, making me laugh. "Shut up idiota. No other nation was free, and I owed you a favor for when you babysat my idiot brother. I also had nothing else to do. Feliciano is currently in a meeting with his boss, and the spaniard is being a douche."

"What else is new?" I snort.

"You sounded like a pig." He insulted. I spun around and attempted to tackle him in the middle of the hallway, but he just reached out and placed his palm on my forehead, and kept me from reaching him.

"Prendere di nuovo!" I yelled, catching many other students attention.

"Mai." He laughed cockily. I huffed, and pulled back so that his hand was no longer pushing me back. I moved around his arm and hit him in the stomach, causing him to lean over in slight pain, holding his stomach. I laughed victoriously as I spun around and began making my way to my locker.

After a minute or so, Lovino had caught up to me, and scowl gracing his lips, making me inwardly laugh. After changing my books at the locker, I stood up and sighed. "Do I have to?" I asked. Lovino slowly nodded, dreading what I had to do as much as I did. I huffed, and forced myself up a staircase. I could hear the italian behind me, dragging his feet along the ground, hating this as much as I hated it. I really hate Arthur right now.

After a few turns, I, unfortunately, found myself in front of a pair of double doors. I rolled my eyes and made a dying sound under my breath, before placing my hand on one of the door knobs, and slowly pushing the door open. As soon as I did so, a very bright light shone in our eyes, and a bouquet of flower petals flew through the air.

"Welcome." I heard a group echo, causing me to scowl. When the light finally dimmed, I took a step into the room, allowing for the shadows that were originally cast on my face by the poor lighting in the hall, to be replaced with light. At the sound of my heel making contact with the tiled floor, the group opened their eyes, allowing for their gazes to land on my figure. I only stared at them with an emotionless look, and I knew Lovino held a scowl and his arms were crossed over his chest. He is way to predictable.

"Y/n?" Tamaki had whispered in shock at seeing me in Music Room three. I didn't budge nor speak as the host club stood and slowly approached me. "Did you come to apologize and rejoin the club?" Tamaki asked hopefully. I only scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. Kyoya sighed at Tamaki and Haruhi elbowed the king in the side, causing him to yelp.

"He means, what are you doing here?" Kyoya decided to speak for the blonde.

"Sorry to inform you ladies, but the Host Club is closed for you today. You can always come tomorrow." Lovino called out. Tamaki attempted to stop him, but my menacing glare immediately made him freeze, and allow Lovino to vacate the girls. The fangirls sighed and whined, but left anyways. Some even attempted to fight with Lovino about it, but eventually he had scared them off.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" Haruhi repeated Kyoya's question.

"Teaching you all a lesson." I growled. Tamaki gulped and cowered, like the pathetic little gerbil he is. "First, I would like to address the way Tamaki had greeted me. 'Did you come to apologize and rejoin the club.' Excuse me, but what the hell do I have to apologize for? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I specifically remember you lot calling me a freak, and expecting me to let my empire fall. You treated me like a piece of shit, while I helped all of you, and even at some point saved your life! So you all should be the ones to apologize. And rejoin your club? Why would you expect me to rejoin the club that, once again, treated me like garbage. You would be lucky for me to even forgive you! You lucky that I'm even willing to speak to you!"

"I-i..I-" Tamaki stuttered.
"You what? You never said any of that? Bullshit! You're sorry? Too late! Which brings up my second point. You all have treated me like shit, have done nothing for me, are all assholes, and you expect everything to just be handed to you. Even you Haruhi, the 'commoner.' You expected me to forfeit in the war just to stay at Ouran. And now you expect me to forgive you so easily for all of these horrible things you put me through. You dare say your sorry, which I doubt you even mean it. I doubt you see no wrong in what you have done. I have killed millions of lives just to save the world from destruction and even more death and all I get is bullshit."

"..." They said nothing.

"You wanna know why I'm here? You wanna know huh? I am here to teach you that life isn't just smelling roses and dancing in a field. No, it won't be and never will be. Haruhi, Kyoya, I expected the most of you two to understand this, but I stand corrected. I am here to make you pay for the shit you put me through and to show you how dark and crooked this world is."

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