Five Minutes To Speak Your Mind!

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"y/n..." Haruhi came closer and attempted to wrap her arm around me to comfort me.

"Don't touch me!" I yelped, raising my arm to slap Haruhi's arm away. Haruhi scampered away, in shock of what had just occurred. Sobs racked my body. Romano ran forward and attempted to help me, but I only flinched under his touch.

"Y/n, I'm sorry, we didn't know." Kaoru whispered. I sniffed, and attempted to respond.

"No. You did know, you know what pain is, you knew that I was in some sort of pain, but you ignored it. You know that you were pushing out all of your pain. You know.... You know what pain is. But you don't know what it is like to cause pain." I whimpered.

"What?" asked Hikaru.

"You don't know what it is like to leave a meeting, knowing that within a few months, one of those that attended the meeting, would never attend again. You don't know what it is like to feel the guilt for someone's death. You don't know the feeling of being responsible for twenty five million lives. You do not know the true feeling of pain, or even causing pain. You may think you have witnessed it all, but... but..." I started to tear up again. They all stared at me in shock.

After about ten minutes had passed, I had collected myself again. I stood up and faced them all. "You have witnessed less than the bare minimum of how evil people can be. You may have heard all of these historical events that killed millions, but there are some that people are afraid to tell... and none of you have lived the devastation of these events. So do not think of me as weak when I cry due to the pain I endure instead of sucking it up and smiling."

I exhale, then took my time pulling out my phone and checking the time, enjoying the silence as I did so. I flipped my phone around in my hand to be in the correct position and pressed the home button, causing the device to start to glow. "4:20." I whispered to myself before shoving my phone back into my back pocket. "We can talk more about this tomorrow." I said in a monotone voice, before spinning on my heel, facing my back towards the club.

"Wait what?!" Hikaru started to protest. I stop, and speak, still with my back to them.

"Why don't you guys wait until I'm in a better mood. Arguing with me when I'm like this does not end well for anyone. I'm really tired right now and not in a good mood, and I don't want to make the situation worse than it already is before we can resolve it." I say calmly before exiting, walking faster than usual, not wanting to be in there longer than I had to.

"Y/n! Please!" I heard a voice yell after me. I sigh, and slow down my pace a bit, but I do not completely stop, nor do I glance back to see who it was. "Y/n, please listen to me." Tamaki pleaded as he caught up to me. I roll me eyes and spin around to face him, crossing my arms over my chest, looking into his purple eyes, to which he firmly held my gaze, not wanting to ruin his chance to speak to me.

"Why should I?"

"Because, we may have wronged you, but we've allowed you to speak your mind time and time again."

"You have no more than five minutes before I walk away." I say rudely.

A small smile forms over his face before he recognizes that he is losing time to talk to me. "Y/n, please do not be angry with the host club. Do not be mad at Haruhi! She has missed you so much! She blames herself for everything. She misses you. We all miss you. I miss you. Just please be angry at me if you have to, but not them. I mean, I would prefer if you weren't angry with me, but if it means that you could forgive them, then go ahead, hate me with all your guts, slap me, ignore me, scream at me, punch me, kick me. Please, just forgive them." He pleads. My scowl barely softens into a smile, but it washes away.

"Tamaki, I don't hate any of you. I want to forgive you all, that's all I want. I want everything to go back to normal."

"Then why doesn't it?"

"Well, if you would let me finish." I growl before continuing. "I don't hate any of you, I am only disappointed. Honestly, I am still hurt about what you guys said, but I do not hate any of you. I forgive you guys, but I cannot forget what happened just yet. Not until I can show you all how I live. How I have lived for the past 161 years ." He smiles, tears pricking his eyes. He lunges forward and gives me a bear hug, much to my surprise.

"Onestamente, cosa c'è di sbagliato in questi stupidi giapponesi. Quasi altrettanto cattive quelle patatine che succhiano i tedeschi." (Honestly, what's wrong with these stupid Japanese. Almost as bad as those potato sucking germans). I heard Lovino grumble as he approached us. Before he looked up, I pushed Tamaki off of me. "In realtà hai parlato con lui?" (You actually talked to him)

"Sorprendentemente, sì. Hai un problema?" (Surprisingly, yes. You have a problem?)

"Sì, voglio dargli un pugno." (Yes, I want to punch him.) He replies. Tamaki looked between the two of us in confusion, before asking Lovino for a translation. Lovino didn't even look at the blonde as he walked past him and flipped him off, making you internally laugh. I nod in recognition to Tamaki before turning and walking behind Lovino towards my car outside.

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