The Nurse's Office!

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I had taken off my uniform blazer, the shirt and the white tank top under it to leave me in only my school pants and my bra. The nurse was currently unwrapping the gauze on my shoulder that I had previously ripped. I didn't feel like I had done much, but I had actually ended up ripping the whole gauze in half, all the way around, which I thought was impossible. Apparently not.

Fortunately, we were able to convince the principal to hire one of the nurses that works with the Nations to be my personal nurse. This is so no suspicions were brought up as my wounds were treated, sure nurses are around, but they can't ask me things about my wounds if they aren't treating me. Also, they have other children to take care of.

"You need to be careful! If you put just a bit more strain on your arm, you would have broken your shoulder all over again." She scolded me. I simply nodded, not in the mood for talking. Can you blame me? Also, I am really tired. Being in so much pain, and yelling so much really tires you out. After looking in the freezer, and not finding what she needed, the nurse turned around to face England.

"Mr. Kirkland, could you please grab a bag of ice for her from the kitchen?" The nurse had politely asked him, to which he agreed and swiftly left the room. I stayed silent, as I stared ahead of myself, straight at the white wall, with the door to the room behind me.

After a few minutes, Arthur had finally returned. The nurse was not done taking care of my wounds and applying medicine to my burning skin, so she placed the bag in the freezer on the corner of the room.

I hissed in pain as she rubbed some aloe into a burn that marked my left elbow. My eyes pricked with tears as I bit my tongue, trying not to make a sound while I endured the pain.

"You'll be okay Y/n." Arthur spoke. "But, I would like to know exactly why you thought it was a good idea to act the way you did. You got in trouble, hurt others, and put yourself in more pain!" He lectured.

More tears started to form, but not out of pain. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Arthur. I let my emotions get the best of me. I acted without thinking. I'm sorry."

"You need to be more careful. The last time you couldn't control yourself, you almost burned down Jett's house! Luckily it only affected the kitchen and his bedroom!" I started to cry. Yes, during my war with Australia, I had had my troops light the capital and the most populated city on fire. Many were killed.

The other nurses in the room were shocked by what Arthur had said. I may have my own personal nurse, but there are only a few offices in the school for the nurses.

"I know okay! I am sorry. I acted out of anger! I may be older than some of our other friends, but I am still relatively new to this. I'm sorry, I can't take back what I had done. I... I just feel so restricted. I feel so worthless. I couldn't even have the last word in my "argument" with Farrah! If she wasn't so nice and wasn't my friend, I wouldn't be here right now. I could've done better. I failed my country. I failed you. I failed Alfred! I failed everyone! I could have helped him, but I just ended up making everything worse!" I sobbed.

Arthur stared down at my pitiful state with sympathy. I was oblivious to the sound of the door opening and two more students entering the room. The room suddenly fell silent, causing me to look up at what had caused the silence. Immediately, my eyes narrowed. I scowled and looked down, avoiding Hikaru and Kaoru's gazes. I quickly wiped my eyes, trying my best to hide the fact that I was crying.

"Hitachiins! What happened to you?" One of the nurses asked worriedly. Ass kissers. Just another woman under their "charm." And they don't want to anger their parents. Another reason rich kids are so spoiled and are such snobs. I hate it so much. They probably haven't ever received hate a day in their lives, because people are afraid of their parents.

"Just a small argument. Hit in the face." Kaoru had explained. The woman nodded and pulled both boys to a separate station, close to a fridge so that she could grab some ice, as Arthur had brought back more after grabbing some for me. The twins sat down on a couch and waited for the cold bags to apply, to slow the swelling and bruising. I smiled internally when I saw that Hikaru had a tissue to his nose. Haha. His nose is bleeding. He deserves it.

Arthr knelt before me and laid his hand over mine. I looked up at my father figure, and gave a slight smile when I saw the empathy filled expression he was showing me. He reached forward and used his thumb to wipe a tear off of my cheek. His gaze was suddenly pulled down to the necklace hanging from my neck.

He smiles at me, and without breaking eye contact, he takes out his part of the necklace and connects it with mine. I smile and give a small laugh. This moment just caused more tears to fall. I leaned down, feeling the nurse let go of the gauze she was reapplying, allowing me to hug my father.

The moment was ruined when the sound of someone fake gagging echoed in the large room. My eyes snapped open and I stood up straight. Without even having to look, I knew exactly who made the sound.

"And what was that sound for?" I hiss.

"It was sappy, and boring." Hikaru said, making my blood boil more.

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