Finally an Emotional Moment!

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"Today, we will be watching Saving Private Ryan !"

I thought nothing of this piece of information. Until we got a few minutes into the movie.

Boom Boom

I forgot the movie took place during World War II.


I sucked in a breath, trying to calm myself down.

Pop Pop

Tears prick my eyes as I have recurring flashbacks, all the while the movie plays on in the background. I put my hands over my ears, trying, but failing, to block out the sounds of the world around me. I squeeze my eyes shut as I begin to start hyperventilating.

"Y/n?" I could hardly hear Haruhi say my name.

I made the mistake of opening my eyes. Immediately, my vision lands back on the screen in front of the room, just in time to see a character be shot, blood splattering as the they falter, before falling backwards.

I swiftly, but violently jump out of my chair, pushing it out of my way, accidentally hitting another student's desk as I rush out of the room, tears streaming down my face as I practically ripped the classroom door open. I could hear Haruhi, Hikaru and Kaoru all run after me, but I had no intention of stopping and showing how weak I was.

After running through the hallways, trying to lose them, I eventually found myself in an almost barren hallway that was part of the school that wasn't in use. Thinking I had lost the others, I leaned against the wall, breathing heavily from the panic attack and from running. In my state of fear, I had called Wy to make sure she was okay. These memories made me worry about her.

"Otharia?" She asked when she picked up.

"Yes. Yes, Paulette. Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine. Why?" She asked confusedly.

"Nothing. Nothing. Everything is fine. How is everything at the house?"

"Eerie without other people here."

"Heh." I let out an airy chuckle. "Well, yeah. I'll be home in a few hours."


"I... I love you Wy."

"Love you too Otharia." She responded for hanging up. A small smile formed on my face as I let out a sigh of relief and leaned my head back on the wall I was leaning against. Wy is fine. That is all that matters.

~Third Person~

"Today, we will be watching Saving Private Ryan !" The teacher had announced to the class. After a few minutes of the teacher attempting to get the movie to start, it had begun. Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru thought nothing of the movie until Haruhi had glanced over at her childhood friend, only to see her in tears.

"Y/n?" Haruhi whispered, catching Hikaru and Kaoru's attention. Y/n opened her eyes, only to run out of the room a few seconds later. Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru all jumped to their feet and rushed after their friend, chasing her through the hallways of the large school.

"Y/n!" They would occasionally call out to her, but she never stopped. At some point, as they ran, they had caught Tamaki's attention, causing him to join into the chase. After several turns, they had lost sight of the nation. The four sighed and wandered the halls until they heard a soft voice.

"Nothing. Nothing. Everything is fine. How is everything at the house?" The group couldn't hear a voice respond so they assumed it was a phone call. Their suspicions were confirmed when they turned around a corner to see Y/n sitting on the ground, back leaning against the wall with her phone to her ear.

"Heh." I let out an airy chuckle. "Well, yeah. I'll be home in a few hours."

"I... I love you Wy." She added after a few seconds. A small smile formed on Y/n's lips as she placed her phone down and let out a sigh. She leaned her head back to lean against the wall. Y/n closed her eyes. Haruhi started to walk around the corner, but Tamaki held her back. He was afraid that Y/n was still upset with the rest of the club. After he had spoken to the country a week before, he was confident that he could approach her.

"Y/n?" He whispered loud enough for her to hear. Her eyes snapped open and she swiftly attempted to wipe away any traces of her tears. She looked up and saw the blonde approaching her. "Are you okay?" He asked as he knelt in front of her sitting form.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine. I'm fine." She lied. He moved from kneeling to sitting cross legged in front of her. He placed his hands in his lap and gave her a concerned look. "Tamaki. Everything is okay. I promise."

The blonde gave her a small smile, amazed that she could be so stubborn and strong even when it's evident that she was upset. "Then could you at least tell me why you are sitting out here?" He asked.

The (blonde/brunette/ravenette, etc) was quiet before wiping away a stray tear. "I just had a panic attack. That's all." she said dismissively but the Host King wanted a more detailed answer.

"If you don't mind me asking, what caused your panic attack?" he asked gingerly.

"Uh...." She was quiet before speaking, "The teacher just played a movie about World War II. Saving Private Ryan. I had an anxiety a-attack." Her voice cracked as her eyes once again began to water.

His eyes widened and he asked a final question into order to confirm or deny his suspicion. "Do you have PTSD?" He softly asked, hoping it wasn't crossing a line to ask her. Y/n was quiet before lightly nodding, another tear rolling down her cheek.

"Y/n?" Kaoru called out, peeking around the corner. She looked up to see Haruhi, Hikaru and Kaoru all gazing back at her and Tamaki. She gave them a soft smile, silently telling them that they were welcome to approach her. They all did so. Kaoru sat next to Y/n, while Haruhi sat on the other side of her. And Hikaru sat in between Kaoru and Tamaki.

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