Chapter 1

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-!¿ WHAAAAT, Are you crazy?!?

- Please.-

No way. For many abandoned poor little girl's face was I to do what Jane asked. Yes, okay, was being my best friend since six years ago, we lived together and shared the body milk after showering and rent, but no more. I would not do this madness he asked.

- You've heard ?, you're asking me to lend you my boyfriend -

- I know, it sounds weird, but I need. Please! Please! Please! -

When Jane was put to beg it was a real ball of gum in her hair. It clung to you, and no way to take it off. Only drastic measures worked with both, and in the case of Jane, was yielding to what he asked. All he could do was negotiate and seek alternatives. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not.

- Why ?, Noah know hundreds of guys who would love to be your boyfriend. What happened to that cute last week ... this ... Phill, that, Phill, why not him?.-

- Well ... because I told my mami.-

His mom. I do not understand how a woman of 24 is still calling his mother as well, but in the end, each side expresses child the way you want. And Jane was taking all his weapons when he was 10 years to get what he wanted. She sat on our couch with legs tucked under him, and clung tightly one of the cushions, shaped like a heart, that one of his ex had given it. His eyes were open too much, head cocked, lower lip bitten and that expression unattended little girl, getting to the hardest hearts reblandeciesen. And I was not immune to those big blue eyes that begged me. I let out a sigh and sat in front of her. As always, I had to be the one to take her out of the mess he had gotten her alone.

- What did you tell your MOTHER?! -

Jane again showed that smile of a million dollars, with the boys fell at his feet, so many times that neither had.

- Oh, you know that mom really cares about me. And who wants to feel the head and this -

- Yes, I know.-

She was tired of hearing talk to your mom every Sunday morning. They threw themselves almost two hours of talk. That what about the studies that do such work, if he had met a nice guy ... I stopped paying attention to what they were saying two years ago. Basically it was always the same.

-Well, a few months ago, I said I knew a boy, and had started dating him. That was nice, handsome, and had a good work. -

- Well, many guys you went this year Profile -

She shrugged her neck, I knew I was going to say now would bother me.

- I said I was a vet, called Noah, and we started dating for 8 months.-

Shit !, knew.

- I mean, you've told my love life to your MOTHER.

- Just as Noah, what you I swear -

- What else did you say?-

- I told him how we met in the office where he worked, as he invited me to dinner and ... well, you know the History.-

Yes, he knew the story because it was mine. He had been Flops, the old cat my grandmother to the vet. When she died, I was the one who wanted to take care of an older cat that cold, and almost blind. I was going to do?. The poor animal had lost its sole owner, he would not throw into the street or give lethal injection. Neither the vet could not believe that follow alive. Total, I could live, one year ?. For 3, 3 bloody years old cat in tow. Ailing and all, the cat was still crawling on the couch. And he believed he was immortal, when one morning, I found belly up and awake snoring, well, catatonic. I took him to the vet emergency, and there was Noah. All handsome in his blue suit surgery, blond hair and brown eyes color. My hero. He stood by me when I said Flops died, his lungs were flooded and that breathing was painful for him. He took my hand while waiting for the lethal injection did its effect. When he stopped breathing, choking my crying into his chest. He invited me to a coffee and sat in the waiting room with me. That week took me to our first date. A Chinese restaurant across town. When he dropped me off at the front door he gave me our first kiss. Soft, tender, a caress on the lips, and then cavalierly waited to close the door. And since we went out together.

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