Chapter 6

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That phrase had stuck in my head. "We need to talk", just that. Noah was sometimes too cryptic with your text messages. I not a "feel all this," nor a "I do not like me." "We need to talk" as if I had done something wrong. ¿Angry ?, Because it clear that she was angry, rightly ?, he had every reason. But he knew that Noah did not have all the blame. He was drawn to that plan because of Jane and her sick mind, if sick, for what reason she had to steal my love life ?. She was the queen of dating, the boys lined up to go out with her. I had to choose who would, and will, and not just choose my boyfriend, but it also tells her "mom". Why, to think it was not so ... inconstant could be the word ?. Say it was a woman who lived life with too much joy, it was something my grandmother would say. But Jane had always been so, since he had known had taken the pace of life. I stopped counting the guys that came when he reached 27, not worth even remember their names.

- Good morning sweetie.-

- Grandma !, what are you doing here? -

Not that were taunting, is that she worked in another area of the hospital, one that would agree in a few days.

- I'm coming to get you. Dorothy has caught a virus and has not come to work. Dr. Lewis has asked you incorpores now his service.-

To say that I was jumping for joy inside, it was an understatement. My grandmother, or Charity, as I wanted to call her, because she said she felt very old if called her grandmother, handed a transfer request to my supervisor, and when I had his approval, we went to my new destination. He could hear mumbling to Ivanna behind me.

- Always Neonatology, if I remove me a nurse, does not matter, but if needed in neonatology, the world ends -

I felt bad leaving her, but Ivanna immediately seek a solution. It was the same left unattended a child hospitalized for a removal of tonsils, to do with a newborn baby fighting for his life in an incubator. But of course, everyone fights for his own. A Ivanna's worried about his children, Dr. Lewis theirs, and if they were on the board of the hospital, your priorities weighed more.

When the elevator doors opened, my new universe appeared before my eyes.

-Dr Lewis just entered one of his patients. It is a multiple birth, and is concerned about the blood pressure of the patient. So today our work will be in that area -

All right. I was dying to be present in a multiple birth. Multi-baby, do not worry, Aunt Mary will help you to come to this world.

After registering my entry into the nursing station, I became the shadow of Charity. When we entered the room which would be my first patient, Charity greeted with joy that island that encouraged all.

- Good morning, Mrs. Prescot. How is the mother today? .-

It leaning against the bed, was a woman of kilometric legs, blond hair and big belly. It was all bones, except for the "hype" attached to his body.

- Tired -

Yes, it showed on his face. The dark circles were only a part.

- This is Mary, she will take care of you while you are here. Whatever you need, what we ask.-

The mother leaned gently on the pillows of the bed, and his face relaxed. The back should be killing her. After taking his constant, Charity and we went to check the other patients of the plant. When you close the door, I checked the report in depth. Ugh, it was a gestation of 5 babies rightly had a big gut. They are missing 4 weeks to leave accounts. They had caused deliveries with gestational age less, so my curiosity led me to ask.

- Why do not you forward delivery?, your blood pressure is quite high -

- For babies, two of them still do not reach the minimum weight. The doctor has decided to hold out as long as possible with the pregnancy, so there is more chance of survival -

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