Chapter 11

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I love Fridays, especially when it's my day, and I can sleep soundly. The good thing about sleep Friday morning, is that the house is empty. It's nice to wake up without the help of an alarm clock.

And there I was, lying on my bed, feeling the warm sun on your back and relaxed and rested body. God !, I needed that break. I opened my eyes, but the memories of the night before were still there. When I walked out the door of the hospital, Tonny SUV was standing near the entrance, and was leaning with his back to the door, hands in his trouser pockets. If Ivanna had seen him at that time, certainly not repeat that again was handsome in the uniform of a firefighter, then he would have gone to heaven. I heard what round and hard that the firefighter had solid ass all my rest period. Ahg, as if not knowing. I had seen the fantastic ass them first. Oh, God, but I was thinking ?, I have a boyfriend, and I love him. And he is handsome and also has a nice ass.

The boy smiled at me, walked me to the door and opened it for me. No, if it was a bit polite. And he said he attentive ?. For that, she asked me about my day, and listened with interest, and asked me questions. He walked me to the door of the building and then left. That said, a charm.

I looked back at the phone, if that time suddenly appeared a message of Noah, but nothing. Do you even remember his real girlfriend was me ?. I was beginning to doubt it. Instead of a message of Noah, he had one of Tonny. Doted instant messages, was the best invention since the chocolate milk.

- "Tomorrow I will approach the Social Center Are you gonna go.?-

- "I'll afternoon".-

- "I happened to pick up and go together?.-

Oh Lord. I knew I would be tired after my shift in the morning, and go by bus was an idea that was beginning to prove yourselves unpleasant. But it was not that too Tonny ?. The boy liked me, and he knew she had a boyfriend, but every time I was looking that was sticking too close to me. You will be doing the wrong idea about me?.

- "Ok, pick me up at 5" .-

Perhaps in time I would regret it, but I could not say no. At the end of the day, Rita liked, and those were too many points in its favor.

I spent the rest of Friday cleaning, doing laundry and ironing my uniform. I had dinner ready when I felt the door open. The tinkling laughter Jane snuck into the apartment, followed by the voice of Noah. When they turned toward the kitchen, both were silent and still, as if my presence cut them roll.

- Ah, hello MARÍA.-

- Hi Jane, Noah.-

I saw appear behind the mother of Jane.-

- Oh, hello dear. We did not expect to find here.-

- Yeah, I'm sorry to bother then .-

- Oh, no, not at all. This is also your home .-

Now, that I was quite sure, he paid half the rent.

- Umm, that smells good.-  Tomasso's voice preceded sound of the door closing.

- I did not know it was going to be visiting, so there is enough for everyone. But I can prepare something else.-

Tomasso was placed behind me, and extended his neck to see and smell what was cooking.

- Umm, sir, this smells of death. What is it?.-

- Only some vegetables with chicken.-

- Mary cooks very well .- Wow !, as Noah continues mouth, and seems to remember his girlfriend, or at least your meal.

- Yes, but my hips do not like so much .- no, if the girl had something to say. Luckily Tomasso looked at her with a mixture face "do you know what you're saying?" and "you do not know what you're missing." Men, if it comes to their stomachs, no topic to discuss. Win the food, always, well, almost always, there is always the sport, but often the combine, and so no second places.

- What brought them here?.-

- Oh, Jane has to change clothes. We're going out to dinner and see a show.-

- Ah.-

- Mommy, can you help me pick a set?.-

- Clear.-

Both disappeared down the short hallway, and saw the bedroom door shut Jane. What would help her mother to choose her clothes ?, did not believe that no child or 5 years. Jane had not left to decide on their outfit since he went to school, and found that the braids were not sexy. That could only mean one thing, wanted to talk to his mom alone. I poured the contents of the pan into a bowl, and I arranged on the small tablecloth he had prepared for me on the counter. On the other side was the service Jane, but did not think I would use that night, so I started to withdraw, when a brown hand stopped me. Tomasso craning to check for the coast was clear, then I just came to hear him.

- Can I prove what was in the pan? .-

I smiled, and poured the rest on the plate in front of mine. When I returned to clarify the pan in the sink, Tomasso had emptied half his ration, and moaned softly with every bite it in his mouth.

- God !, I love the home cooking .-

- I'm glad you like my food .-

- I swear ... that if I was not married to my wife ... I'd throw the yews .-

- Wow, that's an easy guy .-

- Hey, I have Italian blood, and the Italians we love good food .-

- I see.-

I saw him scrape the plate with some bread, and remove the service to the sink effectively and quickly. Perfect, there was no trace of what he had done. Before returning to the lounge area, he glanced at Noah while this changing channel on TV without paying much attention to what he saw.

- I hope your boyfriend appreciate your food as it deserves. Others do not notice the difference between a McDonalds, a saucer of those minimalist, and good home-cooked meal.-

I almost let out a laugh when I saw Noah tilt the head. No, he thought to go to an expensive restaurant, where you put a bite design for which you paid average salary, was the sumun a good meal. What he would do !, Noah was a little snooty for such things.

- Well, we're ready .-

Noah jumped off the couch as if he had a spring in the ass, and smoothed his trousers as he always did.

- Well, Mary, it's been a real pleasure to find here.-

Tomasso took my hand and kissed it gracefully, while winking my eye at me. Yes, for he himself it had been a pleasure, and your stomach much more, for sure. Noah left the last of my field of vision. He did not stop, did not say anything, just gave me one of those looks that said "sorry" and disappeared.

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