Chapter 5

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- Can you know. What was that?-

I turned my face toward Noah.-

- What came. Why?-

- The guy wanted kiss you.-

- Well, it's a right way to say goodbye to someone.-

- Yeah, but not my girlfriend. What have you been doing here all afternoon? .-

- Read stories, playing catch-up, and assemble and disassemble eight castles block Construction.-

- That does not make a guy want kiss you.-

- Well, the reasons are the'll have to ask him. Because I can not get there answer.-

Great. Now Noah was angry with me. I have not tried to kiss him, it's more, I've avoided. I had to be proud of me.

- And you, what have you done?.-

Then Noah expression changed.

- We've been walking with my parents -

He came forward to say Jane. Well, that if he could imagine, Noah liked to take long walks in the park or the beach, like me.

- Yeah, well, typical -

Well, he not is going to get much to Noah. It was clear that this situation of fake boyfriend was starting to bother. We stood in a long silence all the way home, until Noah stopped the car in front of our building.

- You better say it now-

Tell me what ?, those faces were not liking me anything. And Noah had just turned off the car engine. Least that I liked less. When Noah turned off the car engine, it is he meant something serious.

- My parents will be two weeks here. Tomasso has taken a few days of vacation. Tonny with moving my mom and you have not seen me ... because they decided to stay a few days.-

Great !, did not have to tell me more. I had been without a boyfriend for two weeks.

- Well, then I leave, will have plans to do -

That time that I slammed the door when leaving the car. Those two schemers, which I did not like the direction it was taking all this they found out. Jane got out and ran to my side, while Noah was watching from behind the window.

- María it's not my fault. I did not know they were going to be so many days. Mom wanted to give me a surprise -

Already he had enough !. I turned to Jane and I had to hold on to my shirt low not to take her by the neck and strangle her.

- Yes, it's your fault !, you've got us into this bloody mess. -

- But, Maria -

- Neither Maria nor bagpipes. You're used to all dance to the tune of the music you want to hear, and do not stop to think that maybe others want not dance -

- What is all this now? -

- Comes this time you've exceeded my limit of tolerance. For things how are you friendships break -

- Why take borrow your boyfriend?.-

- No, when I said I do not want -

I turned and bolted for home. did not want to see it, and put ground between us always it worked when I pulled on my nerves.

I do not know how I got to sleep at night, but the morning was calmer, happier not. I got up, showered, had breakfast and prepared par air to work. At least there knew what to expect. Jane did not see, and it was not because I were avoiding. She did not get up so early. It's what he had to work a clerk in a clothing store for men, that came later, and charged more uniform suited him better. And besides, she had a car, so I had to rely on the bus like I did. It also helped that it was Sunday. For some, the days of the week had a different meaning than for the rest of mortals. Although good, the hour and twenty minutes it took to get to Miami Children's Hospital always helped me think, that remedy, I am of those who do not like to waste time. It was a few meters from my stop when I heard someone shouting my name. Can NOAH happened to me ?, maybe needed to fix bad atmosphere between us ?. No, the specimen of man who approached me trotting, was another. I could not help noticing, when women stop the bus, followed him with a greedy look, and it was no wonder, myself, his mouth was full of slime. Fortunately it was closed. Could one be sexy with clothes soaked with sweat, his face flushed and baggy pants and shapeless ?. Well, definitely yes. He did. Sweat made blue shirt to stick to the defined contours of your body, and the pants were so fine, caressing her thighs revealingly. His hair was wet toes, and her skin glowed as if he had slathered with Vaseline.

- Tonny?.-

He came to me and stopped his career. His breathing was quick and heavy. Typical who he had been running for a while.

- I thought you walked later to work.-

- Activity in nearly two hours.-

I saw him raise his eyebrows in surprise.

- Yes you like to arrive early -

- No, but it arrives 30 minutes before or 30 minutes late. The urban transport service does not give me much choice -

I saw him rubbing the stubble of his jaw. It looked good, I thought.

- Do not you compensate buy a car? -

- I have to think about it.-

- But...?.-

- But long ago I do not drive, and Miami is insane to some hours.-

- Yes it is.-

I saw him smile, but I did not stop to think how I could know if had just moved, because my bus was stopping at the marquee to 5 meters from me.

- I'm sorry but I have to go.-

- Oops, I almost forgot. He was going to your house for something.-

He reached into a small zippered carrying on his wrist, and pulled out one of my bobby pins.

- You left it yesterday in the kitchen

- Oh, gee. You see, this is another reason why I have no car. My budget fizzles, buying these little flighty hair accessories. I always lose -

My words went away from him as he climbed the stairs of the bus. The doors closed behind me, and started walking. Across the glass, Tonny let out a laugh and said goodbye with his hand.

That day, my way to the hospital I did it with a smile on his face. I kept it without realizing it, until I heard the incoming message on my phone. When I opened it, and read it, the smile faded.

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