Chapter 30

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Waiting for someone to arrive has always been what do I disliked since childhood. What I'll do, I'm impatient. But this time, had something to entertain my head. While losing the look on the other side of the entrance doors to the hospital, he could not stop grinning like an idiot. The previous evening, had been chatting, until I fell asleep, because it is what they do when they make soothing effect, let offside at least you want them, at least in my case. Yesterday we had our first argument as a couple, and had she won, ¡how would he not?. I did not want to take painkillers because I knew I would knock me, and had so much to say, to ask, to listen, to touch, to feel. But she argued, protested, grumbled and argued, until I took my dose after eating.

He lay beside me on the bed, because I did not let him get away. I took her hand and held her tightly, as our eyes spoke in silence. Verla was all I needed. See, and know that there had to hide what he felt for her. But now, the time needed to recover all that was lost, hoping that was ready. Was so keen to go fast, I thanked unconsciousness. I had to keep calm, at least for a while. Step by step, my father would say. Rome was not conquered in a day. Does Rome was once conquered?, he would have to look in any encyclopedia. Well, I was there, looking huge glass doors, waiting for the woman that consumed my thoughts appear, and occasionally checking the parking lot, trying to find the unpresentable there again. No wonder the guy stubbornly follow her back, she deserves it. But now that I have, I will not leave room for a "small possibility" for him. It feels. The misfortune of people do not like me, but that man was the greatest gift that Heaven had made me.

The image of Maria came from the area of the elevators. He was chatted with a man, and someone in a wheelchair. Why they had to record those anagrams on the doors ?. When the automatic opening gave me the full view of Maria, my heart jumped. In his arms was a small bundle, that clearly was a baby. His fingers slid down the ruddy face with devotion, and his eyes smiled more than his lips. Then I knew it was her. Want the baby in her arms levaba it were mine, said it all. Not mine, ours. A small Di Angello, with his tenacity and my perseverance, his compassion and my impatience. It was her, my heart had recognized, even before I knew it.

When I reached him, I recognized an almost dried tears on her cheeks.

-¿You're good?.-

She smiled and nodded gently. The two returned his gaze to the baby and we stand still, until the man hawked to us.

-Ahem, well, I think we'd better have brought everyone in the car.-

Then I realized. The woman carrying two small, one on each arm, and the man was carrying another on his left arm. His shoulder hung a bag babies, loaded to the brim with what I assume is that babies need. He remembered the baby bag that had once seen my cousin Franccesca. No, that bag could not carry everything needed 4 babies. No way.

-Let me help them.-

I pushed the wheelchair into the vehicle next to the father of such creature stood, and helped move the babies and mom to the seats. Maria tended to the small, pink beanie assumed by his head, as the rest were blue, into the arms of her smiling dad, and then stood beside me. Mom handed Mary the hand through the window and gave her an affectionate squeeze.

-Thanks for everything.-

-It was a pleasure.-

-The pleasure was our.-

Mary nodded, and stood beside me, curled up inside my arm, watching as the car he drove away. I listened as she sipped her nose, and discovered a tear over again in his face.

-They make a nice Family.-

- If they do it.-

- She's the girl you told me about, ¿right? .-

His face lit up when I looked.

-You remember.-

-Of course, you've mentioned more than once.-

Then I understood, Noah did not pay attention when Mary spoke of her day at work.

-They put my name.-


-Yes, ¿you can do you believe?.-

-You were his guardian angel, of course I believe it.-

-It's a great gift .-

I hugged her tightly, and got no nose in her hair. No, it was the gift, and the couple knew.

-Well, then we have to celebrate. ¿Do you want to go out to dinner?.-

-Best I prepare something delicious and you get into bed to sleep.-

-No, the doctor changed my medication. Inflammation remitted fully, and I will treat the pain with ibuprofen alone, so ... I repeat, ¿are we going for dinner?.-

-You'd think you do not like my cooking.-

-Ja, by now you know that you have caught me in the stomach. It is to see you get the apron, and I become the dog Pavlov.-

I turned to had no doubt about the sincerity of my words.

-Or I take you to a public place, or I can not resist the temptation.-

-You sound dangerous.-

-Maybe because I feel like a lion who has not eaten in days, and you're a tender gazelle jumped on my way.-

¿Are you laughing, and I is wrapping his arms in the neck?. This is getting bad, or ¿maybe not?.

- Let's see if I clarify, we live together, you pick me up and take me to work, so when you leave me your car, kiss me on the counter breakfast, and we slept cuddled in your bed ... ¿What worries you go too fast?. -

-¡God, yes!. You're not getting better enumerating all these things.-

-You are a Sky.-

Great, yeah, I am, and why I will die become a smurf. My genitals were already starting to put both restrain blue. San Smurf, nice title.

His hands around my face and looked for something deep in my thoughts, or so it seemed.

-Let's go home, I'm going to remove this sweaty uniform and take a shower, and if at this point you have not done anything about it, I'll go looking for you and to whip your ass until you do.-

-I do not understand.-

-Oh, shut up and kiss me once. But do it well, I do not want just a taste, I want the whole dessert.-


¿Could there be someone who understood me better?, I doubt it. So I got in the car while his mouth devoured hungry for more, and I had to take air to close the door, turn around the car, and sit in the driver's seat. And I went back to what mattered.

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