Chapter 9

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He could not look away from that little life, struggling to get ahead. A girl, of all boys, had left a girl. No wonder he had not been discovered in ultrasounds. She and her other brother, had been imprisoned for the rest of his brothers. Three of the five were so healthy and strong, they needed not enter into an incubator, but the girl and the other male, dragged more than a lack of weight. I see overwhelmed intravenous attached to her tiny body, but knew it was necessary. Keep them alive was itself a victory. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

- You'd better go to rest -

- I will do it.-

The new nursing shift had just arrived, and I needed some sleep. I felt tired pulling my body. I let out the air, and headed toward the exit.

Not that I had a lot of energy, so I just changed my shoes and grabbed my purse. I used to wear a jacket over it, but today I did not feel like or that. As if it were a machine, I walked the corridors and left the hospital.

- Maria?.-

I raised my head toward the voice calling me, recognizing a blue uniform.

- Tonny ?, What are you doing here? -

He approached me.

- Last night we were in a fire. We took two children who were brought here by smoke inhalation. He finished my turn, and came to inquire about his State.-

- Ah, then they are in breathing. Come with me, I'll take -

- Are you sure?, you look tired -

- Yeah right. Certainly will be there, it was my old PLANT.-

- Thank you.-

- Oh, you know, firefighters in uniform give them treatment VIP.-

- Good to Know.-

His smile was a balm for my tiredness. When we arrived at the nursing station, I was pleased to meet Ivanna.

- Hello Maria. Both do we miss you already come to visit us?.-

- To you always. -

- And this officer who accompanies you? -

Eye View Ivanna do chiribitas made me laugh, but not laugh. He could not do that ugly front of Tonny.

- Anthony Di Angello, firefighter -

- Ah, then I know why you're here. machote Follow me -

Tonny looked at me as started walking behind Ivanna. I made a gesture with his hand to be quiet outside.

- Do not worry, I'll be storming the machine coffee.-


I felt a slight jolt in my shoulder, and then opened my eyes. Had I fallen asleep ?, seriously ?. He needed to get into a bed, and.

- You're exhausted -

- It's so you do not sleep at night, then you want to do for the day -

- Yes, I know what you mean. For me the night was too hard -

I checked my watch and my body jumped like a spring.

- Shit, I do not get to time.-

- On time?.-

- My bus, I have to run or you lose. If not lame, I'll stay asleep at the stop if I have to wait for a time.-

- Hey, quiet, I approached home -

- Oh seriously?.-

- Well of course. Go shit friend would be if No.-

- Ugh, thanks -

- You're welcome. It is the least I can do.-

- But you also need to sleep -

- Yeah, but I have three days to recover -

- What luck, I'll ... tres hours.-

- It can not be.-

- If you can, my shift starts at three in the afternoon, and it's almost half past nine. Making calculations, it will take half an hour to get home, I sleep three hours, and go out to catch the bus 13: 10.-

- Oh, no, that's no way. I take you now, you sleep your hours and 14:30 to pick you up and bring you again. And how is it that leaves you so little rest between shifts? .-

- Oh, do not, my shift ended yesterday at ten night.

- What were you doing here at this hour of the morning ?. Did not they have forced to double shift?.-

- No patient needed me, and I stayed with her while her husband was out -

- What?!.-

I could not let him think anything bad about the poor Tom Prescot, so on the way home. Sitting on the comfortable seat of his SUV, I told him the whole story. I did not realize that we got to my house, and I had parked the car, until I saw the seat down and go around to open the door.

- Come on, you better get into bed as soon possible.-

- And you?.-

- Me? -

- You sleep even less than me, if you have to go home and come back for me. I can not allow -

Tonny pondered a moment, then looked at me with that smile have the solution.

- Do you have couch? -

- Of course I have a couch -

- Then I lend it. I'll take a nap while you do. We sleep the same. How about?.-

- I think you're still losing anyway -

- I owe you one, remember? -

- But I already took him to the center social.-

- Ah, well, that does not count -

- Yes, that account.-

- Okay, so then you owe me your to me.-

- Yes, that's best.-

When I raised my head, I stood in front of the front door. The guy had accompanied me without noticing. He opened the door and walked two. Still felt something cold in there. While noticing the movement of Tonny my side, no longer it looked so much like yesterday.

Tonny sat on the couch, proved his consistency, took one of the cushions of heart and looked at me with raised eyebrows.

- It is Jane. replied. I did not want that related to me with that corny cushion.-

- Ah, that explains a lot. Hey, your boyfriend will not mind sleep here, right ?. Because if you'd rather call and be he who takes you ... I work too fast course he would be busy with his work.-

- He is very busy these days. And both he and you, you can rest assured that I will not try to rape you or something -

A yawn out of my mouth, and I could not wait any longer.

- Bunas nights, or days. I'm going to sleep.-

Tonny saw accommodated on the sofa, or try, before getting into my room. Ummm, sleep, needed to sleep. It took him just take off my clothes, put the alarm clock and fall onto the bed.

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