Chapter 7

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New job, new house ... but not new city. I grew up in Miami, although in a very different neighborhood that I have gone. Although after so many years, it is the same to come back. Do not keep any friends, the distance has become acquaintances, with lives organized in which there is no place for an old childhood friendship. Their lives had changed, they had changed, even myself have changed.

I knew coming soon, but that's normal for me when I'm nervous. You get to my new job, I was so consumed like that brunette. Maria. I think it was like tasting brown sugar; sweet, caramel, different, and somehow, hot. I knew it was silly to go after her, because he had heard Rita talk about the "dull" her boyfriend. Yes, I was busy, and I am not of those who raise the girl otherwise. But the whimsical removing my stepsister, was the first person in Miami with establishing some contact, and wanted to keep that link, even if it was small. I did not like being alone. Perhaps it was a genetic defect, it is what happens when you have a twin, really never alone. But Marco was in another city, taking care of family business. The truth is that he was better at selling used cars than me. Marco is the type of people who are able to sell sand in the desert. He has the people skills that I lack, or just call me shy.

Anyway, there he was, waiting in a hard chair, the boss deigned to devote some of your busy time and give me my job assignment. I heard a plaintive snort the back of the room next door, and there, lying on a cushion, a sad-eyes looked at me intently, as if I were the most interesting thing about him. The Basset Hound should have its good 11 years, and then I recognized him. He was the reason that made me firefighter, and also had chosen this season on all places. After countless destinations, he had finally reached the Miami Fire-Rescue Department. He still remembered the images of the newscast, 11 years ago, when the team that season, acted in a curious rescue. They had that puppy out of a fire, along with several of his littermates, but he had inhaled a lot of smoke. They fought to revive him, to get it, and the owner, in gratitude, I gave to the unit. Since then, the mutt had become the mascot of the station. Shift changes, transfers, firefighters, came and went, but the dog always stayed there, was the longest-carrying member at this season, it seemed.

- Say Angello.-

My name made me jump on the chair, as if he had a spring in the ass. The man knew how to make one put an firm with a single word.

- Mr?.-

- In my office -

I walked behind him and before closing the door, I noticed that the dog had entered the office of the head. I looked questioningly, and his expression did not change. Well, if he did not care, me neither.

- Sit -

He began flipping through my file, and after a few minutes it closed, crossed his fingers and rested on the folder.

- Why did you choose this unit?.-

The question surprised me, so I did the only thing he could, to tell the truth, that my mother had taught me.

- For him.-

I pointed my gaze to the dog. The chief turned his eyes toward him, then at me.

- For him?.-

- He was almost sixteen when I saw the rescue in news.-

The head seemed to study my answer, and then looked at the dog and smiled.

- Go, Smoke, I never thought you were a recruiter -

The dog let out a tired gruñidito, and again left his head back on the floor between his outstretched legs. The chief got up and started walking toward the door.

- Well, Di Angello. I'll show you this, I assign a locker, I'll give your work shifts, and let you know your new classmates -

1 hour later, I was putting my clothes in my box and fasten finishing my new uniform, when a voice behind me made me turn around.

- So Tonny, new member of the Rescue Section. How does a guy with your resume, asking for a transfer just 200 kilometers from its previous target? -

- I like the sun.-

- Already, rumors also travel -

- What rumors?.-

- The rumors of such a Karen. -

Great, not only the rumors were traveling, also stupidity. Karen was 15 years older than me, was happily married with three children and worked in the communications center. The longest contact we had was 7 minutes radio. Now, if who spoke was Mirna, things changed. Mirna and I went a couple of times, once we went to bed, and this was all. Fortunately my transfer came before the situation should become uncomfortable. Although she said otherwise, between us there was no feeling, at least for me. From that experience I had learned something, never, ever, would mix friendship with something else. Mirna had been a great friend, until it became something else, and it did not work. That's how her friends were lost.

- Well, the rumors would have to learn first, because I do not think she even relate my face with my name. What the hell!, even I think I've seen my Face.-

See blanch the huge man made me smile inside. If I wanted to laugh at the back, I could have thought a little better. A fellow behind him stepped forward and held out his hand.

- Kowa. And do not make him any attention. Sandoval is just pissed because you take away the position of "Latin Lover".-

- Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not chasing the skirts -

It may sound weird, but I ended up sleeping between these two men. Each of them was on the cot next to me. This is what we have 24-hour shifts, you do strange roommates. Not to mention the cucho listless dozing on an old carpet not far from my boots. In the end, Sandoval had a point in common with me, we both knew the social center of 6th Street.

- Really, my mom takes food on Fridays and weekends there.-

- I was with a friend on Saturday, sometimes he makes volunteering in the nursery -

- The center does a lot for the neighborhood. Many families do not know what to do without your help. But you know what they say about the Cuban exiles, we are all one big family here in MIAMI -

- If you say it.-

- Hey, and what is beautiful that friend of yours?-

I did not need much thought. Mary was like a mojito, soft mouth, tasty, refreshing, and if you gave account, you will be up to the head.

- It is. But she has a boyfriend -

- Oh, man, it sounds like you liked it -

- I would like to think that we friends.-

- Already. If you say it.-

She said, yes, why do you want, no, what if, assumed.

- Hey, what that string you're preparing? -

He had spent all afternoon tying a long rope, making small handholds along its length.

- I want to take her to the center, it has occurred to me is not to have an emergency plan to evacuate the nursery -

- Good idea. And when you say let's go see your girl? .-

- Next Saturday I will, but she is not my girl, do not know if anger, and above all, to you I have not been invited to join me -

- Oh, my friend, is the social center. There all Cubans have invitation to go -

I had to curse silently, in good time he had spoken to those two of Mary. Yes, Kowa not talk much, but did not lose the opportunity to be included in the good plans. And if there were girls involved, they were always good plans for these two.

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