Chapter 3 : Heaven and Hell ~ Hollow's Eve Part 2

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Chapter 3 - Heaven and Hell ~ Hollow’s Eve Part 2

Dedicated to kagome0050 for ur sppport <3<3 ~

Caleb ~


“How many times do I have to say sorry,” whined my idiot of a cousin Seb beside me. “I didn’t know costumes were a must.”

“Point proven. Only an idiot wouldn’t have seen the bold black writing saying COSTUMES ARE COMPULSARY at the back.”

“Well you didn’t notice them either. Don’t worry. We’ll just wing it. What can go wrong? We’re already in the queue anyways. Look how long it is. It’ll be a pain in the ass to go back for costumes than come back and re-queue.”

“You know what you’re an –

“Next,” called out a voice interrupting me.

We were in the queue at the security area right outside the club. .  Well, here goes nothing. Sighing I walked towards the heavy built bouncer so that he could check me. His eyes confused as I wasn’t in a costume. Before I could explain myself a pretty asian woman of about 30 or so approached the bouncer and they both stepped aside to chat for a while. Once the bouncer had finished turning towards me his groggy voice said, “Dude. Either come back all hideous in a costume or get out of the queue. Oh, and take your friend with you.”

“Now, now Dennis, don’t be so harsh on the lil’ cuties. Tell you what; we’ll make an exception for you seeing as both of you are quite good looking.  I’m a manga artist and I was here in London for an Anime and Manga convention. I have a little hobby you know. I have some of my character outfits if you want,” giggled the petite asian woman who was standing next to the bouncer. She was cute, in a ditzy kind of way. High cheekbones defining a strong jaw line with a supple button nose and forehead. Her hair a soft chocolate in color, eyes as black as coal and lips painted with nude lip gloss. 

 “Free costumes. Awesome! Thanks,” replied back Seb quickly.

“Seb, think first fool. What type of costumes?”

“Don’t worry darling. You’ll love it, I promise you,” she giggled once again making a little tiny voice in the back of my mind squeak ‘This woman is insane. Walk away now’

“Cool, we’re in,” Seb said with a tone of childishness intertwined in his voice.

Okay, it’s decided. If I don’t like my costume I’m making him wear both of them and walking out. Screw the party if I’m going to be dressed up as something … something I wasn’t so sure of myself.

The woman stared at me with puppy dog eyes and with a long sigh I muttered, “Okay”.

 She let out a gleeful shriek and taking our arm in hers toured us inside the club with her.

“Jeez you can’t have your way every time Hanna,” the bouncer growled after us.

“Chill Dennis, just tell A they’re my friends or something,” she shouted without even turning back.

“Yeah, sure. Of course he’ll believe that two 20 year olds are friends of a 32 year old woman like you.”  

“Details, details,” she laughed dragging us away from the hallway which led into the club dance floor.  From the corner of my eye I could see the dry ice and the neon lights flaring around and felt the soft thump of the music radiating around the empty corridor. She guided us past the toilets and finally came in front of a door with the sign VIP implanted on it.

“My stuff’s in there. You can change in the bathroom yeah,” she explained opening the door and walking in.

I stared at Seb trying to see what his reaction would be. He just shrugged casually and followed her inside. Typical, I should kick myself in the ass for even expecting a decent reaction from the idiot.

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