Chapter 19: Bang Bang

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Toni laid her head onto Kenny's shoulder. She smiled at the television as they watched the TLC movie.

"I love you." Kenny said out the blue.

Toni looked up at Kenny, "I love you to." She sniffed. "I just still can't get over the fact that he wants to take half of what's mine."

"I build my brand without his fucking help!" Toni shouted out of frustration.

"I know babe. His mad that your leaving him and he probably never thought you would."

"His such an asshole." Toni sobbed on Kenny's chest, watering his black tank top. "Your such a good man Kenny."

"Only to you, because your my queen and I'm here to serve you." He said kissing her palm.

Toni smiled weakly and wrapped her arms around his neck, she placed a sweet kiss on his lips and they just stared into each other's eyes.

"Let's run away together." Kenny suggested.

"What?" Toni murmured.

"Come on, empty his bank account and we'll just run! Run far away! They'll never find us." Kenny added.

"My family? Aliyah?" She whispered.

Toni stood up and looked down at Kenny. "Where will we go? Wouldn't the police come after us?"

"Your my woman now. Ride or die till the very end?" He raised his eyebrows at her.

Toni looked around and back at Kenny, she nodded her head and smiled lightly.

"Yeah, let's do it." Toni nodded her head and straddled his lap. "I know his account number and password, first thing tomorrow I'll go to the bank and empty his whole account." Toni spoke.

"Empty mine too because once we run, we ain't stopping babe." He smirked at her.

Toni smiled and cupped his face in her hands. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" She mentioned.

"I'm as positive as your next pregnancy test."

Toni scrunched her face up at Kenny. "What are you trying to say Ken?" She chuckled.

"I want you to have my first baby." He admitted to Toni, he squeezed her ass cheeks and kissed her lips.

"But I don't want any kids..." She trailed off.

"Why not?" He asked a bit confused and saddened by her words.

"I love you Ken I swear I do. I got a divorce, because that's how much I love you, but having a baby is just not what I had pictured as part of my future. I'm sorry babe." She bit down on her lip and tears rolled down her face.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because you want kids and I just refuse to give you one. Your a good man, you deserve to have kids. Maybe I'm--"

"Yes you are! Your the woman of my dreams, the one I fantasize about, the one I make love to almost every night. The love of my entire time." Kenny told Toni placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Promise me one thing." Toni mentioned.

"I promise." Kenny chuckled.

Toni laughed, "I haven't asked you yet." She laughed again. "Promise me, that not having a baby won't ever get in the way of our relationship, because to me this is the most perfect relationship ever." Toni smiled at him, cupping his face once again.

"I promise."


Toni laid beside Kenny in his bed and his mind just wondered around. His always had this perfect dream of having a wife he loves with all his heart and a baby that resembles the love.

He looked over at Toni and leaned down on her, he traced his thumb along her cheek bone.

"Is there a specific reason why you don't wanna have a baby?" Kenny questioned.

She turned over and looked at him.

"Ken really?" She mumbled.

"I'm just asking, I don't have a problem at all. I just wanna know." Kenny shrugged.

Toni sat up in bed and climbed onto him, she straddled him and intertwined their hands.

"I'm afraid, I might not be a great mom to my child. What if I turn out to be like my mom, she's terrible!" Toni cried.

Kenny pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her, he pecked her forehead and whispered in her ear.

"You were gonna be the best mom." He told her, "I love you. With or without a baby." He smiled at her.

"I love you to." She smiled down at him. Kenny pulled her shirt over her head and just stared at her breast.

He looked up at her and smiled. "Your so beautiful, you know when I first saw you, I knew right in that moment I was gonna love you more than my own life." He admitted, pecking her cheek.

Toni leaned in and kissed his lips.

"When I first saw you I said 'oh my', that's gonna be my man." Toni smiled down at him.

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