Chapter 2

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Mia's P.O.V

The day's almost over and I'm so glad because i honestly just want to head home and sleep.I start to walk back to my locker to grab some books. Just as i open the locker door Jace comes walking down the hallway. 

" Hey" Jace says

" I don't want to talk to you" i say back

" Mia come on please let me make it up to you!" 

" How ?! "

" I 'll show you some how ,but i just need to know that your not mad at me"

" Oh please come on and of course I'm mad at you! I'm gonna miss my ride now that i ended up detention!"

" Ok yeah sorry about that..but if it makes you feel any better i have to miss my thing after school"

" And whats this thing..?"

" It' s just that i had to pick my sister up from her school and usually if there's no one there to pick her up they have to take her inside the school and she just waits in the classroom and i feel bad because she gets bored really easily "

" Well I'm sorry to hear that but we all have our problems, the world doesn't revolve around you!"

I kind of felt bad for Jace and his sister , but i still needed to be mad at him.I know this is stupid but he got me detention and now i have to walk home and plus he's annoying! 

" I didn't say that it did " he says 

" Well, gosh I'm sorry then.." i reply

" Look just give me a chance to make it up to you ok i still wanna hang out at the game this Friday with you " 

I felt something funny in my stomach.Why was feeling like this around him.? I mean I'm supposed to hate him not like him.

" The decision is still up for choice" i say back

" So is it still a maybe..?" 

" Well it depends.." 

" On what..?" he asks

" If you buy me a granola bar from the vending machine " i know this is stupid but hey food is food you got to love food !

" Really..? A granola bar..?" 

" Yes really! I get hungry okay " i sneak in a smile on my lips.

" Haha ok Mia ill buy you a granola bar"  he says back

" Good,now lets go to lunch " 

" Alright" 

We both walk tot he cafeteria and head inside.To my surprise Jace holds the door out open for me and lets me in,him afterwards.

" Thanks" i reply to him.

" No problem" he says back.

I see my best friends a couple of tables down so i head there.

" Uhm wait Mia..? C-can i sit with you.?" he asks while looking at the floor

" Uhm..well i mean i guess..why..?" i ask

" Well its just that i never really have many friends during this lunch period and....uhm ..yeah" 

" Yeah sure follow me then." 

I lead Jace to our lunch table and i sit next to Lillian and Jace follows. Everyone at the table is now giving me smug looks on their faces , but i shoot them a stfu look.

"Guys this is Jace, Jace this is Lillian,Tommy,Miya,and Nick" i say while gesturing with my hand to all of them.

" Hey" they all say in unison.

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