~❤❄Fixing A Broken Speaker And A Old Friend❄❤~

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You and Fell eventually became friends but he was still flustered around you.Blueberry obviously started to have feelings for you too which makes it harder for you.

But the worst part is that Error became obsessessed over you for that reason.He tried to keep you away from Blueberry and Fell once but failed.Wow...you really are a heart stealer if you don't realize it until know.

The only person who would tell stuff about that was Sans,the original one of course.Ever since Chara possessed you in the Genocide Run,he doesn't talk to you often which made you worried a lot.

Is he mad at you because you killed all of his friends including his brother Papyrus?Or is it something else?You really don't know the real answer for it...


Sans' POV

It's been weeks since I last saw Y/N in the Underground or in any of the places I knew.I hope she's okay...I asked some of the monsters and even my friends if they saw her anywhere and all of their answers were just the same...

"I'm sorry Sans but we haven't seen her here..."

Toriel told me that she called her and the others countless of time but every said they were quickly cut off.I feel somethings going on right now

I know she's probably just hiding herself from everyone somewhere in shame after the last Genocide Run but I couldn't help to get so worried about her.

I sighed and teleported back to the house.Ugh!I'm getting lazier and more sleepier than usual without her around...

She would always made me smile whenever she laughs at my puns or the jokes I often say...I really missed those moments...

"H-Hello S-Sans...I've been waiting for you..."

I jolted by the familiar glitchy voice.Dang it!Not now!I turned my head around to see none other than Error himself.Why is he here?

"Did you just came here to annoy me again?Or take me with you to the Anti-Void as an additional collection to your puppets?"

"Neither.I'm only here for you to meet someone you know in a long time...or should I say timeline?"

Whoah!Did his voice sound normal just now?!How the heck is that even possible?!And what is he talking about a person I've meet in a long time???

"Are you surprised that my voice went normal now?Heh...I owe it all to your good friend Y/N.She's quite a keeper if you ask me."


Error's POV

I arrived in a AU where my cousin Malware lives in.Yes,I have relatives within the Multi-Verse and those are Spyware,Trojan and HiJacker but I don't talk about them that much.

"Hello there cousin Error,It's been a while since the last time we've meet."

"H-Hey M-Mal,i-its g-good t-to s-see y-you t-too..."

TM-S: 4 Stages Of Pain (AU Sans' X Reader)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now