~❄❤Triggers and Sinsicles❤❄~

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Thank you guys for the 300+reads!I have a VERY special chapter for this and I hope you'll like it.This isn't a lemon but a lime to start things off...


You started to get hungry as
your stomach started to rumble.Error notices this and immediately walked over to you.

"Are you hungry,Y/N?"

"Yeah...is there something to eat here by any chance?"

"No...but I'll go get some for you if you want."

"OKAY THEN I'LL HAVE SOME POPSICLES!(or Sinsicles if your mind is that damn dirty.heh~)


"Okay.I'll be back soon with the food."

Few minutes later,Error came back with the food you asked him to buy and sat down on the floor.Sans and Fell was drinking their favorite condiments while Blueberry ate his tacos.Error didn't have any food to eat because he wasn't that hungry(or hungry for your body that is~What?I'm a sinner for skeletons so deal with it!).

You licked your popsicle(or Sinsicle)while going up and down slowly with eyes closed.They all looked at you wide eyes and blushed deeply as you continue to lick your popsicle(or Sinsicle.Okay I'll stop saying that...for now...)You stopped and turn your attention to the four blushing skeletons(Blueberry isn't the innocent one in here...You are actually since you know little about making out and how lewd actions can trigger a horny person instantly)

"Huh?Are you guys okay?Your faces seem to be different with weird colors appearing on."

They were silent and looked away from you quickly.You tilted your head in confusion but shrugged if off.The popsicle melted into your hands with a sticky feeling(heheh~almost there~)you licked your hands with a slight blush on your cheeks with sexy looking eyes.


~Error,Sans,Blue,and Fell's POV~

Hhhnnnngggg~!F-Fuck me and my kinky side!Haaahhhh~Why did she had to do that infront of me!Now I have a permanent boner to hide!Oh my~Gggghhhaaahhh~I can feel myself heat up.I must do something to calm myself down.


~Normal POV~

"Hey guys!Mind if we head to my place for awhile?I've got enough bedrooms for us to sleep on."

Error and the others snapped out from their dirty thoughts as Error opened the portal to your house.Your house was the size of a mansion since your father worked for the government.You unlocked your door and ran over to the couch falling half asleep.

"Your rooms are on upstairs so choose anywhere you like."

They all rushed over the stairs and slammed the doors shut like a hurricane.The loud noise startled you as you fall down on the floor.


Your phone was beside you so you decided to text Alphys to past the time.

Y/N : Hello,Alphys.Its me Y/N.Are you working in your lab like you always do?
Alphys: Oh hey there,Y/N-chan!I'm just fixing Mettaton due to body malfunction.
Y/N: Oh...Uhhh...hey Alphy,can I ask you about something?
Alphys: Go for it.
Y/N: Sans is acting weird lately.He seems to be...nervous around me...
Alphys: Oh...Uhhhh...Y/N?I recommend you to stay away from him for now.
Y/N: Wait!?What!?Why?!
Alphys: I know this is hard to explain for you but...Sans is in"heat".
Y/N: Oh...Uhhhhh....Okay Alphys.I'll do ask you say.

You hung up on Alphys as you blushed deeply.You already gotten the idea about it as you smirked deviously.

"This is going to be interesting~"

Forget that I say your innocent here cause you already lost it by a long shoot...

TM-S: 4 Stages Of Pain (AU Sans' X Reader)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now