~❤❄Forgive and Forget❄❤~

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You cried as you curl up against your knees and arms wrapped around your head.You suddenly feel that you are being watched from a far.You quickly stood up and your mood was changed to sad from annoyed.

"I know you guys are there watching me.Come out..."

Error and the others revealed themselves from hidding.Your eyes quickly shifted over to Gaster Sans and starting to stare at him awkwardly.

"Why is he with you guys?"

He was shaking in fear.You could hear his bones rattle loudly and sweating over his skull.You didn't wish to see him after he nearly killed you.

You know it wasn't his fault if he did that to you and Blue earlier but as the sweet and loving person you are,you decided to forget about it.

"Look I'm sorry for what I did to you and Swap earlier.I didn't mean to-"

"To hurt me or Blue?I don't mind it at all.You're just confused that's all."

You gave him a lovely smile as he blushed deep yellow in his cheeks.He turned away from you flustered and embarrassed by his action.

"Are you gonna be okay,Y/N?I mean,you DID got hurt after the fight and all."

"Oh don't worry about it,Error.I can heal myself now that I have fully controlled my magic."

"Wow.You just mastered it in just a few hours?I'm impressed,kiddo!"

"Meh...Its like childs play for me.Sorry if I accidentally went rogue a while ago.I didn't mean to snap like that."

"Uhhh...hey,Y/N.Why does your sould got chains and a lock at the middle?"

You froze and didn't say a word.You looked down on the ground with a frown.

"Well...you see...the chains around my soul were created by my mother to protect myself from turning into the monster you see earlier..."

"Oh...I see...uhhh...does that mean the monster will come out of you when you get angry?"

"Yes but lets not talk about it.Now come on!I want to go back to the anti-void for some R and R!I'm tried from all this fighting..."

You hopped over Sans's back and wrapped your arms and legs around him.You quickly feel half-asleep by his warming body.

"Heh.You're more the lazybones than I am,Y/N."

You,Sans,Error,Fell,Blueberry,and surprisingly Gaster Sans went inside the anti-void.Error snapped his fingers to appear a couch for you to rest on.

Sans gently placed you and sat to the right beside you.Error was sitting at the left side and lifted your head above his lap while Blueberry and Fell sat down on the floor near you.Gaster Sans was sitting alone in a distance because he still feel bad about you nearly killed by him.

They were falling asleep in a few minutes (except for Gaster Sans) as you peacefully showed a slight smile on your face.You mumbled something under your breath after you went to sleep.

"I wish I could feel like this everyday..."

*Everyone loves you and the fact you made a friend fills you with....*

TM-S: 4 Stages Of Pain (AU Sans' X Reader)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now